Saturday, June 09, 2007

Streaker in my Shomin wall

Let me explain:

Mizu Dojo's Shomin wall is actually a panel of windows overlooking a lawn bowling green with lovely trees surrounding the area.

Each class, when we start, and end, we kneel facing the wall of windows, and do a traditional bow in ritual with Mokuso, and Dojo Kun.

Today, at the end of class, I knelt in front of my students, and closed my eyes to the command being called by one of my lead belts of "Mokuso". Peace flowed over me, and through me, although all of my muscles were stiff and sore from the previous night's hard training. It was difficult to ignore the aches, and pains, and bring myself to stillness.. but I managed. When my student commanded "mokuso yame", and I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the sight of a naked cute happy little 3 year old girl wearing nothing but a baseball cap on her head, running back and forth on the springy grass of the bowling greens enjoying the sun on her skin. Her father was standing out there watching over her.

I couldn't help myself.. I broke into laughter, and announced to my students "There is a naked girl in our Shomin wall! Can you see her too?"

Well... a sound of shock, and giggling filled the room as we witnessed this sweet little girl bending down to pick at the grass and innocently mooning the whole dojo.

My student barely could get the words of "Shomin Ni Rei" out for all of the suppressed laughter. We all bowed towards the naked child.

Then I turned and faced my students, and my student called out "Sensei Ni Rei".

I could see that all of our shoulders were shaking with the effort to not laugh at this moment.

As I walked off of the Dojo floor, I exclaimed, "Oh Man! I've GOT to put this on my weblog!!!"

I will never forget the day that my Dojo bowed to an innocent naked 3 year old streaker's bare butt.


John Vesia said...

Glad to see that you practice mokuso at your school. Very few karate people still partake in this, at least in my neck of the woods.

Mir said...

Gee.. Mokuso has been a part of my Martial arts training from day 1. I think that it is a necessary starting ritual that allows a person to put aside the day's issues, and focus on the training. Also, it is a wonderful way to end a class, bring yourself back to a quiet place, and leave the dojo feeling satisfied with the effort that you put in.