Friday, December 30, 2005
Karate goals for 2006
Each year I make karate commitments. These aren't "resolutions", as in the normal goals that many people do (watch their weight, stop smoking, and such), they are more like physical karate goals for the year. I started training in karate in February of 2002. I had no goals then. I was introduced to the world of martial arts. In 2003, my goal was very simple. I just wanted to continue training, and not give into that feeling of staying home instead of going to the dojo. I achieved that goal, and made sure that I didn't miss any classes that year. In 2004, my goals were: Kihon: I wanted to work on that "twist" at the end of my techniques. Sometimes when I'm in a hurry, it disappears. I'd like it to become a natural movement. I also want to work on my balance. Kata: I'd like to learn the Tekki (Naihanchi) kata. I've read on the internet that these kata are being overlooked because they aren't early on the testing list. Kumite: I'd like to focus on what my hips are doing during kumite, and less on my arms/ hands. I'd like to develop my hip rotation more. Result: I had to slow down my basics for awhile to allow my muscles to learn to "twist" at the end of my techniques, but it didn't take too long for that twist to become natural. In fact, I can now choose IF I want to twist, and how far I want to twist. My balance has improved a hundred fold. It has been noticed that it is getting harder for my opponent to find me off-balanced now. I did not learn the Tekki (Naihanchi) kata. My kumite goal didn't work with my Kihon goal. Since I was trying to focus on the twist in my hands, I had to let go of focusing on my hips for the majority of the year. I found out that hip rotation is best worked on during basics rather than in sparring. The goals for 2005: Kihon: To apply more power when performing a technique during the basics part of class. Kata: To work on my turns so that they are quicker, and more controlled. Kumite: To flow more when I attack, and to do more than 3 techniques one after the other in a natural way. I was able to increase my power by adding upper body weight training into my practice at home. I'm still developing the turns so that they are fast, balanced, and controlled. I've been able to flow more in kumite, but that affected my targeting some. So now that the year 2006 is coming. This does not mean that all the other goals are unimportant, but that I will adjust my focus into other aspects of my training. I think that I want to work on my mental, and spiritual strength this year. Kihon: I want to find that central space within me as I do my basics. Keeping my mind centered on my tanden, and attacking with my whole body, not just my arms, and legs. Kata: I want to focus on keeping Zanchin throughout the kata in spite of all the interruptions, and distractions. Kumite: I want to keep a calm interior that is alert, and willing to do what is necessary to react to what is coming in a flexible way, not being locked into this or that combination. Hopefully this year's goals all will support each other.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Starting my new path as Black

It's been a few weeks now since I achieved the rank of Shodan. I'm still trying to get my head around the idea. Whenever Sensei says something like "The black belts will spread out in the dojo.." I still find myself standing there hesitating until I remember that I am also a black belt.
I don't feel any different: the same issues that I was working on before my test are still being worked on now...
I just attended my first high level seminar that was filled wall to wall with black belts. We did two days of kumite training. To my joy, I was able to keep up with the majority of the complicated maneuvers that we were doing. O.K. sometimes I wasn't graceful, or competent with it, but I knew deep down that it was experience that would remedy this. I walked away from that seminar feeling rather happy with myself.
I've become more aware of the little things that I want to improve in my performance... such as my balance, direction of power, etc. I'm glad that I have the rest of my life to work on this.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Officially received the rank of Shodan
I passed! I received my black belt last night.
What a joy to place that new stiff obi around my waist. The ends of it stuck out sideways on my waist like one of those old days bad guy moustaches.
I thought quite seriously about what my first act will be when I attend my next class as a Shodan, because it will set the tone for the rest of my experience.
I decided that I would go get the broom, and sweep the floor as my first act as a black belt.
First of all, it reminds me that I need to remember my roots, and that I am not better or worse than anyone else. (Seek perfection of Character.)
Second, it reminds me that it is only through constant diligence on the simple basic things that I will excel at the higher more difficult things. (Be Faithful.)
Third, it reminds me to be careful to clean the whole floor and not just pieces of it. (Endeavor to excel.)
Fourth, I am reminded that Sensei Gichin Funakoshi worked as a janitor in a school, but was the Sensei of royalty, so therefore I should not judge others, but to treat everyone with the same respect. (Respect others)
Fifth, although a broom can be used as a weapon, it's main function is to bring cleaning, and health to the environment. I wish to focus on the fact that the skills that I have developed through my training is to be used in a positive way. (Refrain from violent behaviour.)
What a joy to place that new stiff obi around my waist. The ends of it stuck out sideways on my waist like one of those old days bad guy moustaches.
I thought quite seriously about what my first act will be when I attend my next class as a Shodan, because it will set the tone for the rest of my experience.
I decided that I would go get the broom, and sweep the floor as my first act as a black belt.
First of all, it reminds me that I need to remember my roots, and that I am not better or worse than anyone else. (Seek perfection of Character.)
Second, it reminds me that it is only through constant diligence on the simple basic things that I will excel at the higher more difficult things. (Be Faithful.)
Third, it reminds me to be careful to clean the whole floor and not just pieces of it. (Endeavor to excel.)
Fourth, I am reminded that Sensei Gichin Funakoshi worked as a janitor in a school, but was the Sensei of royalty, so therefore I should not judge others, but to treat everyone with the same respect. (Respect others)
Fifth, although a broom can be used as a weapon, it's main function is to bring cleaning, and health to the environment. I wish to focus on the fact that the skills that I have developed through my training is to be used in a positive way. (Refrain from violent behaviour.)
Saturday, November 26, 2005
My Shodan test
My Shodan test
The day is done, the excitement is settled, and now I can sit
down and write about the seminar/ testing.
Yes, I’m tired.
I walked into the gym in the morning, and within a few
stances I noticed that my legs were not doing well. My thighs
were cramping up. I accepted that fact, and decided to warm
up with stretching rather than kata.
I started greeting people who came into the gym to help them
feel welcomed, and comfortable. I remembered how
frightened I was going to my first seminar, and so I thought it
would be nice to help them feel “at home”. Also, I thought
that introducing myself before the seminar to these people
could help them be less frightened of my skin condition if we
ever had to spar together.
The morning class started with basics. We went through the
various techniques, and stances. It was quite interesting to
learn how much more I need to work on my side thrust kick. I
enjoyed it alot!
The Master was very kind. He looked at me with a very
satisfied, and happy look more than once. There was a
moment when he came up behind me when I was moving
forwards in stance, and suddenly grabbed my hips to place
them lower, and more forwards. Since I wasn’t expecting the
movement, I burst out with a squeal at the surprise, and then
with a giggle. All the Sensei(s) chuckled at my innocent
My husband was my partner through the whole morning for
every exercise. At one point, Sensei asked the groups to
stagger the lines by having each second group of two move
forwards. I was watching the end of the line to see whether
we had to move or not. When I realized that “yes” we had to
move. I said “Osu”.. and quickly sent my hands forwards, and
pushed my husband on the chest lightly. The sudden
movement shocked him and he sent out a squeal of surprise
too. All the Sensei, and the rest of the students started
laughing. My family seems to be the noisest karate students!
So the morning class went by so fast, it was already time for
lunch, and I was saddened by the fact that the day was half
over already. Most of the people left the gym to go eat out,
but I chose to stay, sit on the bleachers, and rest my
cramping thighs. I spent a good hour massaging them.
My husband went out for lunch, and bought me a vegetarian
submarine sandwich. The sweetheart!
I had so many people asking me if I felt nervous about my
upcoming test. I had to answer that “No, I’m not worried at
all, I feel ready. I just hope that my legs hold up.”
I had time during the lunch break to help a green belt learn
that he has to punch with the two knuckles of his fist rather
than the bent wrist that he had be using. I felt even better
about that! I just helped him understand about the danger of
injury if he kept doing what he was doing. Awesome.
Class started. We did kata... My favorite!
The Kata class ended.. and we had a few minutes to gather
ourselves before testing. I saw my kyokushin Sensei
standing up in the bleachers. I ran over to where he was
leaning over the rail smiling at me. I jumped up and down in
happiness and greeted him. I couldn’t really talk to him
though at that point. It was time to test.
We 4 Shodan testing students got called up. I just couldn’t
understand what Sensei was saying... I heard Sanbon
Tsuki.. O.K... I know what that is! So
I did it.. but I forgot to listen for how many repetitions I had to
do. I even forgot to kiai on the last punch. I went one
technique too far. My Sensei said to me “
switch legs.. you only need to do 3 of them.” “Osu!” I
answered switching legs.. but then my arm was wrong.
Sensei only told me to switch legs.. not arms.. Oh gosh I got
more flustered. So I just went into yoi for a second, looked at
the person next to me, and then went into the same position
as them. “Come on! Focus! Why did you train so hard to let
nerves take it away from you? You made a mistake.. now get
past that..” I said to myself. From that moment on, I was all
there. My basics went very smoothly after that. It was TOO
easy. I calmed down, and all just flowed!
It was the Brown belt’s turn for kata. We went up in teams of
two. We 2 ladies were together. Sensei told us to do
Heian Yondan. I went through that kata with joy.. but my
thighs were feeling the stress. I ignored them.. told them that
they have no choice but to keep going because I’m testing
and they can hurt later. My kata came out at my best. Sensei
just sent us to sit down.
Then we went around the list of testing students doing their
kata, and it was our turn again. This time we had
to do Bassai Dai. At one point near the beginning, my left
thigh muscle ( My left leg was in the front on front stance)
gave out on me, and I felt myself slipping. Quickly, I
demanded performance.. caught myself with that left foot,
and continued on. The kiai points felt like heaven because I
would open my mouth to kiai, and almost gulp in air to
sustain me until the next kiai point.
I handled the sparring part with more finesse than I thought I
would. I was quite happy with my effort.
Well, it is on that note that the testing ended.
I made mistakes.. yes.. but I got past them... and kept going.
I don't know what the results are. They weren't announced
there at the test. As soon as I know I will tell you.
The day is done, the excitement is settled, and now I can sit
down and write about the seminar/ testing.
Yes, I’m tired.
I walked into the gym in the morning, and within a few
stances I noticed that my legs were not doing well. My thighs
were cramping up. I accepted that fact, and decided to warm
up with stretching rather than kata.
I started greeting people who came into the gym to help them
feel welcomed, and comfortable. I remembered how
frightened I was going to my first seminar, and so I thought it
would be nice to help them feel “at home”. Also, I thought
that introducing myself before the seminar to these people
could help them be less frightened of my skin condition if we
ever had to spar together.
The morning class started with basics. We went through the
various techniques, and stances. It was quite interesting to
learn how much more I need to work on my side thrust kick. I
enjoyed it alot!
The Master was very kind. He looked at me with a very
satisfied, and happy look more than once. There was a
moment when he came up behind me when I was moving
forwards in stance, and suddenly grabbed my hips to place
them lower, and more forwards. Since I wasn’t expecting the
movement, I burst out with a squeal at the surprise, and then
with a giggle. All the Sensei(s) chuckled at my innocent
My husband was my partner through the whole morning for
every exercise. At one point, Sensei asked the groups to
stagger the lines by having each second group of two move
forwards. I was watching the end of the line to see whether
we had to move or not. When I realized that “yes” we had to
move. I said “Osu”.. and quickly sent my hands forwards, and
pushed my husband on the chest lightly. The sudden
movement shocked him and he sent out a squeal of surprise
too. All the Sensei, and the rest of the students started
laughing. My family seems to be the noisest karate students!
So the morning class went by so fast, it was already time for
lunch, and I was saddened by the fact that the day was half
over already. Most of the people left the gym to go eat out,
but I chose to stay, sit on the bleachers, and rest my
cramping thighs. I spent a good hour massaging them.
My husband went out for lunch, and bought me a vegetarian
submarine sandwich. The sweetheart!
I had so many people asking me if I felt nervous about my
upcoming test. I had to answer that “No, I’m not worried at
all, I feel ready. I just hope that my legs hold up.”
I had time during the lunch break to help a green belt learn
that he has to punch with the two knuckles of his fist rather
than the bent wrist that he had be using. I felt even better
about that! I just helped him understand about the danger of
injury if he kept doing what he was doing. Awesome.
Class started. We did kata... My favorite!
The Kata class ended.. and we had a few minutes to gather
ourselves before testing. I saw my kyokushin Sensei
standing up in the bleachers. I ran over to where he was
leaning over the rail smiling at me. I jumped up and down in
happiness and greeted him. I couldn’t really talk to him
though at that point. It was time to test.
We 4 Shodan testing students got called up. I just couldn’t
understand what Sensei was saying... I heard Sanbon
Tsuki.. O.K... I know what that is! So
I did it.. but I forgot to listen for how many repetitions I had to
do. I even forgot to kiai on the last punch. I went one
technique too far. My Sensei said to me “
switch legs.. you only need to do 3 of them.” “Osu!” I
answered switching legs.. but then my arm was wrong.
Sensei only told me to switch legs.. not arms.. Oh gosh I got
more flustered. So I just went into yoi for a second, looked at
the person next to me, and then went into the same position
as them. “Come on! Focus! Why did you train so hard to let
nerves take it away from you? You made a mistake.. now get
past that..” I said to myself. From that moment on, I was all
there. My basics went very smoothly after that. It was TOO
easy. I calmed down, and all just flowed!
It was the Brown belt’s turn for kata. We went up in teams of
two. We 2 ladies were together. Sensei told us to do
Heian Yondan. I went through that kata with joy.. but my
thighs were feeling the stress. I ignored them.. told them that
they have no choice but to keep going because I’m testing
and they can hurt later. My kata came out at my best. Sensei
just sent us to sit down.
Then we went around the list of testing students doing their
kata, and it was our turn again. This time we had
to do Bassai Dai. At one point near the beginning, my left
thigh muscle ( My left leg was in the front on front stance)
gave out on me, and I felt myself slipping. Quickly, I
demanded performance.. caught myself with that left foot,
and continued on. The kiai points felt like heaven because I
would open my mouth to kiai, and almost gulp in air to
sustain me until the next kiai point.
I handled the sparring part with more finesse than I thought I
would. I was quite happy with my effort.
Well, it is on that note that the testing ended.
I made mistakes.. yes.. but I got past them... and kept going.
I don't know what the results are. They weren't announced
there at the test. As soon as I know I will tell you.
Countdown! 1!!!!!!!!

I kept busy today. I went to my kid's parent teacher interviews at their elementary school all morning. Then I went grocery shopping in the afternoon to stock up for the weekend. I had to bring all the housework up to a done level. The day went by peacefully, quickly, and without any moments of "Oh my gosh! I'm one day away from my belt test." I didn't even stop to write about the upcoming event in my blog until now. I'm ready now to think about karate.
What a challenge cross training is! I really only joined the Kyokushin karate dojo for the needed exercise. I couldn't afford to join a second Shotokan dojo, or to join a health spa. The Kyokushin classes were free of charge, and they have a big focus on body conditioning.
I expected to remain a white belt in that dojo because of the fact that I was training in Shotokan, and that training was louder in my body than any of the kyokushin that I was doing. What do I mean? Well.. although a rising head block is a rising head block there is a different way of applying it when one compares Shotokan to Kyokushin.
So then started my learning process as to how each and every movement, and stance is used differently in Kyokushin. I could lean on my Shotokan background, and experience a little to get the main idea, but then I had to fine tune the way that I did my techniques. I'd try to imitate what my Kyokushin Sensei wanted, but since I was almost hard wired for a certain straight linear movement, my arms almost refused to go in a circular manner.
I struggled in kyokushin class to get the direct stepping happening in my legs rather than the C stepping which now seemed so natural to me. Months and months of slow training to get my leg to go direct. I'd run up to my Kyokushin Sensei, demonstrate a few steps and say "Do I have it yet?" He'd smile and shake his head to the negative. Nope, my foot always came into the other as I moved forwards. I watched myself in the mirror.. you could even see the hesitant fight in my legs each time that I moved. There seemed to be a war of FORWARDS! IN! FORWARDS! IN! happening with each step.
Kata! Oh gosh kata! Pinan Sono Ichi is the same embusen as Heian Shodan, but you have to move differently. It has a different feel to it, a different timing, really it has a different "music". It's like listening to the song "Three blind mice" played in Jazz style rather than classical style. For the first 6 months I would mish mash the styles. I'd start off in Shotokan, but at the end of the kata, I would turn into a most wonderful Kyokushin backstance. I'd stand there thinking "This is right, but it's not "right".. how come it feels wrong? It's a good stance! OH oh! I'm doing Shotokan!" So then my body would click into a Shotokan backstance like one of those transformer robots.. feet, leg, hip, torso, arms... click, click, click. AH! That's better.
I was totally lost when it came to Kyokushin sparring. The constant movement.. the attitude.. the idea of unbalancing your opponent.. Oh! and you have to get so close to the person you are fighting sometimes! Distance was always difficult for me to figure out when I was only doing 1 type of art... but to do two arts that demand different ways.. OUCH!
I perservered. I kept trying. I found out that now I have to learn double the amount of kata since I'm doing two arts.
In Shotokan I learned the Heian (5), Tekki (2), Bassai (2), Kanku (2), Empi, Jion, Chinte, Jutte, Hangestu, Gankaku, and Wan kan.
In Kyokushin I learned Kihon (3), Shiho Tsuki (3), Taikyoku (3), Sakugi Taikyoku(3), Pinan (2), Yangstu, Sanchin, and a Bo kata.
37 Kata so far.. and I'm not done. 37 Kata in only 3 years of training! *Insert stunned swear word of choice here*
Well... I was warned before I started learning Kyokushin that it is a FAR harder path in martial arts to try to travel in two styles at the same time. I didn't want to lose the Shotokan art that I have come to know, and love. I didn't want to lose the beauty of the Kyokushin art that I was experiencing. Also there were moments when Shotokan revealed to me the hidden answers to what was happening in Kyokushin, and times when Kyokushin revealed to me the practical applications of my Shotokan.
So! I keep cross training. I'm going for Shodan in Shotokan, but I hold a 7th Kyu level in Kyokushin. That's who I am.. and I just accept the positives, and negatives of the whole thing.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Countdown!! 2.....
I have been receiving so much support from people concerning my upcoming black belt test. People that I didn't think would be interested are inquiring as to how I'm coping with the anxiety of the upcoming test. Wow.. Not too many people really worried about me when I was going for the lower kyu ranks.. ha ha ha. I was far less ready for those tests.. especially my white belt test. It's nice to get their emails of encouragement, and to have people stop me to wish me the best. Wow.. the outpouring of concern is wonderful. I feel like a Queen walking amoung the population right now. One of the parents of my dojo found out that I was testing for black, and the look in her eyes just shifted to one of deep awe. Oh gosh.. awe? Sometimes I think that it's just a daydream, really, and that I'll wake up in a couple of days and realize that truth.
Thinking back to those first days of training when I saw brown belt as an impossibility for me to achieve. I remember watching the brown belts go up front of class, and do so many things that I just couldn't see myself accomplishing within my lifetime: Kumite, the more difficult kata like Kanku Dai, and combinations... I was having troubles keeping my front knee bent, and holding stance for longer than 2 seconds. Oooo.. the burning in my thigh muscles just demanded that I pull out of stance, the pain in my ankles, in my knees, in my hips.. they all screamed for me to get out of stance.
I would go home, and start practicing just holding front stance. My husband came into the room, and watch me with a smile as I would go down into stance for about 3 breaths, and then stand right back up breathing hard to cope with the pain. "What's your problem?" he asked me with a grin "You're just standing up.. gee.. what's so hard about that?"
'O.K..." I said, "It's harder than it looks.. here.. you get into front stance, and see how long you last." I placed him in proper stance.. he didn't last any longer than me. His eyes widened in acknowledgement, and realization of just how difficult standing up can become.
As I progressed in the art I learned that Back stance hurts alot more than front stance.. HA HA HA HA Then I learned about the pain that can be achieved by going into Side stance. Phenomenal!
But my kata became stronger, and more stable.. my legs started to strengthen. Now I would turn on one of my favorite CD's, and hold stance through the song. Holding Front stance for 3 minutes, and 23 seconds, Holding Back stance for 2 minutes, and 40 seconds.. The whole time I'd sing along with the song, and focus on my breathing, even harmonizing.. anything to keep my mind off of the pain in my legs.
I build up in ability. I decided that I was ready for the real challenge. I washed the dishes holding side stance the whole time that I stood in front of the sink. Each sink load of dishes took about 5 minutes to wash. I would do a sink load once every hour holding stance each time. In a family the size of ours.. that's alot of dishes!
Then I started doing my ironing standing on one leg to improve my balance.
All of this personal training had an effect.. I was able to hold stance with confidence... but then the cramping started.
By the time I achieved my green belt, my muscles would cramp during class. I looked for reasons, explanations, interventions. My legs, and feet would cease in awful cramps as I tried to do kata... or hold stance. I remember how severe the cramps would be. In fact, my left leg cramped up really tight, and lost all power to hold my weight as I was doing Heian Yondan for my belt test in front of the judging table. I had to stop for a second, and place down my right leg to keep me standing, wait for the cramp to let go, and then continue my kata. I still passed that test in spite of this major mistake.
It wasn't until this September that I realized what it was that I was doing to encourage cramping in my muscles. I would often have a treat of Pepsi, and taco chips. It was my favorite bad habit. During the summer of this year.. I had decided to stop drinking, or eating anything with caffeine in it because of the reading that I had done about the negative effects that caffeine has on your body system. To my joy, I noticed that my muscle cramps had disappeared over the summer. I didn't realize the link to caffeine at that point though. However, when September rolled around, and the stress of my upcoming black belt test loomed over me, I fell back into my comfort food... pepsi, and taco chips. Within a month the cramps came back. AH! After some indepth study I learned that one of the effects of caffeine on your body is to strengthen muscle contractions. That is why the Olympic committee lists caffeine up there with steriods as a drug that isn't allowed in competition.
Now, I have been steering away from caffeine and my cramping has dissipated. I'm back to suffering from stance "normally".. ha ha ha
Thinking back to those first days of training when I saw brown belt as an impossibility for me to achieve. I remember watching the brown belts go up front of class, and do so many things that I just couldn't see myself accomplishing within my lifetime: Kumite, the more difficult kata like Kanku Dai, and combinations... I was having troubles keeping my front knee bent, and holding stance for longer than 2 seconds. Oooo.. the burning in my thigh muscles just demanded that I pull out of stance, the pain in my ankles, in my knees, in my hips.. they all screamed for me to get out of stance.
I would go home, and start practicing just holding front stance. My husband came into the room, and watch me with a smile as I would go down into stance for about 3 breaths, and then stand right back up breathing hard to cope with the pain. "What's your problem?" he asked me with a grin "You're just standing up.. gee.. what's so hard about that?"
'O.K..." I said, "It's harder than it looks.. here.. you get into front stance, and see how long you last." I placed him in proper stance.. he didn't last any longer than me. His eyes widened in acknowledgement, and realization of just how difficult standing up can become.
As I progressed in the art I learned that Back stance hurts alot more than front stance.. HA HA HA HA Then I learned about the pain that can be achieved by going into Side stance. Phenomenal!
But my kata became stronger, and more stable.. my legs started to strengthen. Now I would turn on one of my favorite CD's, and hold stance through the song. Holding Front stance for 3 minutes, and 23 seconds, Holding Back stance for 2 minutes, and 40 seconds.. The whole time I'd sing along with the song, and focus on my breathing, even harmonizing.. anything to keep my mind off of the pain in my legs.
I build up in ability. I decided that I was ready for the real challenge. I washed the dishes holding side stance the whole time that I stood in front of the sink. Each sink load of dishes took about 5 minutes to wash. I would do a sink load once every hour holding stance each time. In a family the size of ours.. that's alot of dishes!
Then I started doing my ironing standing on one leg to improve my balance.
All of this personal training had an effect.. I was able to hold stance with confidence... but then the cramping started.
By the time I achieved my green belt, my muscles would cramp during class. I looked for reasons, explanations, interventions. My legs, and feet would cease in awful cramps as I tried to do kata... or hold stance. I remember how severe the cramps would be. In fact, my left leg cramped up really tight, and lost all power to hold my weight as I was doing Heian Yondan for my belt test in front of the judging table. I had to stop for a second, and place down my right leg to keep me standing, wait for the cramp to let go, and then continue my kata. I still passed that test in spite of this major mistake.
It wasn't until this September that I realized what it was that I was doing to encourage cramping in my muscles. I would often have a treat of Pepsi, and taco chips. It was my favorite bad habit. During the summer of this year.. I had decided to stop drinking, or eating anything with caffeine in it because of the reading that I had done about the negative effects that caffeine has on your body system. To my joy, I noticed that my muscle cramps had disappeared over the summer. I didn't realize the link to caffeine at that point though. However, when September rolled around, and the stress of my upcoming black belt test loomed over me, I fell back into my comfort food... pepsi, and taco chips. Within a month the cramps came back. AH! After some indepth study I learned that one of the effects of caffeine on your body is to strengthen muscle contractions. That is why the Olympic committee lists caffeine up there with steriods as a drug that isn't allowed in competition.
Now, I have been steering away from caffeine and my cramping has dissipated. I'm back to suffering from stance "normally".. ha ha ha
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Countdown! 3........
The final moments before I face that BIG moment. My thoughts turn back to what I once was before I became infected with the positive effects of living Karate Do. I weighed nearly 200 lbs. I remember getting to the top of one flight of stairs and having to hold the wall because I felt dizzy, and weak. My skin condition covered over 80% of my body making it difficult to do anything. I remember finding blood spots on my pajamas from my hands independently scratching at the itch during the night while I slept. My face was covered which caused many people to react in abhorance when I approached them.
I remember the dread I felt at the thought of doing anything physical. Even the idea of walking to the corner store to get some milk made me think twice, or even three times. My 8 year old daughter wanted to take karate lessons.. oh man.. that meant walking a good 20 minutes each way. I remember moaning about that to my husband... Ha ha ha.. a 20 minute leisurely walk and I would complain about that! HA HA HA Little did I know then that, in less than 3 years, I'd be training hard for more than 2 hours straight with black and brown belts and exhilarating in it.
The first months of training were especially hard on me. I remember coming to a dead stand still while exercising during class. I heard Sensei chuckle and said "I'm not the only star that you are seeing right now.. am I?" I couldn't help but think in astonishment "How does he know that I'm seeing a whole bunch of flashing lights surrounding me?" Oh that was not a smart thing! Just jumping into hard karate training from doing no exercise at all. Looking back in retrospect, it's a good thing that I didn't consult a doctor.. ha ha ha.. He/she would have taken one look at my physical condition, and said "Are you crazy????", and that would have been that.. I would never have been introduced to the world of martial arts.
All I wanted was to learn how to do kata.. I was willing to do all the other things to be able to learn kata. I remember asking Sensei if it was possible to learn karate without learning how to fight. WAH ha ha ha! Little mouse that I was.. all that my partner would have to do is look like they were going to move forwards with a punch, and I'd hide behind my hands, and cringe saying "EEKK!".
Oh did I abhor push ups! Sensei would go down the line asking for the Japanese terms of the various techniques and those who didn't know the term would have to go down and do 10 push ups. I had plenty of motivation to learn my terms, if that is what it took to avoid push ups. Sensei couldn't stump me.. He tried.. oh gosh he tried to find an obscure term that he had taught me that I might have forgotten.. but nope. I fought valiantly against having to do those push ups.
I remember one time that Sensei asked a higher belt for a term.. and the person said in a joking manner "Why don't you ask her? " So Sensei turned to me with a smile and did the movement again. I bowed my head in embarrassment and said "Sensei, I am not familiar with that movement," ( I saw a look of triumph appear on Sensei's face) "but I do know one that is similar from Heian Yondan," I continued, " and that one is called Kaki waki Uke." The look of stunned surprise on the faces of all the other students was precious when Sensei burst out laughing and said "Yes.. it's the same."
I remember my first roundhouse kicks. I looked like I was attempting to imitate a Dutch windmill with my arms, and legs. Nothing worked together, and I'd end up collapse on the ground giggling into my knees with the joy of knowing that one day I was going to DO this kick... but right now, I look like "Goofy does karate".
Oh I'd get lost with every new thing that was introduced..It's like everything was reset back to the start... mentally, and physically. Sensei never stopped supporting, and challenging me to get beyond where I was at.. and I didn't stop giving myself permission to keep trying.
A difficult time arose for me. My father was ill, and dying. I found that training in karate helped me with the stress. I asked Sensei if I could attend both of his dojo so that I could burn off the extra emotions, and energy within me. He allowed me that priviledge, and I started double training. Innercity dojo, and then again at 17th Wing dojo.
My weight went down 30 pounds, my health went up.. Sure, I became sore, and my family would get no end of entertainment listening to my moans and groans from even little things like lifting my cup of tea to my lips.
When Innercity dojo closed down, I went into a deep concern for the fact that I didn't want to lose all of the physical conditioning that I worked so hard to gain. I requested Sensei's permission to attend a free kyokushin karate class that was offered every Friday, and received it.
I entered the kyokushin dojo with apprehension knowing that it was a full contact karate, and what a timid little mouse I felt like inside of me. I spoke with the Sensei there explaining that my main goal was to keep up my physical condition through the extra exercise, but that I would attempt to train Kyokushin while in his dojo...if he would allow me to train there. Thus humbly starts the difficult path of cross training in two arts about 2 years ago.
This little woman who couldn't climb one set of stairs without suffering is now training in karate almost every day of the week, and twice on Saturdays. She does weight lifting at home, and puts in about 22 hours of training per week (if she can steal that time from other things)
I remember the dread I felt at the thought of doing anything physical. Even the idea of walking to the corner store to get some milk made me think twice, or even three times. My 8 year old daughter wanted to take karate lessons.. oh man.. that meant walking a good 20 minutes each way. I remember moaning about that to my husband... Ha ha ha.. a 20 minute leisurely walk and I would complain about that! HA HA HA Little did I know then that, in less than 3 years, I'd be training hard for more than 2 hours straight with black and brown belts and exhilarating in it.
The first months of training were especially hard on me. I remember coming to a dead stand still while exercising during class. I heard Sensei chuckle and said "I'm not the only star that you are seeing right now.. am I?" I couldn't help but think in astonishment "How does he know that I'm seeing a whole bunch of flashing lights surrounding me?" Oh that was not a smart thing! Just jumping into hard karate training from doing no exercise at all. Looking back in retrospect, it's a good thing that I didn't consult a doctor.. ha ha ha.. He/she would have taken one look at my physical condition, and said "Are you crazy????", and that would have been that.. I would never have been introduced to the world of martial arts.
All I wanted was to learn how to do kata.. I was willing to do all the other things to be able to learn kata. I remember asking Sensei if it was possible to learn karate without learning how to fight. WAH ha ha ha! Little mouse that I was.. all that my partner would have to do is look like they were going to move forwards with a punch, and I'd hide behind my hands, and cringe saying "EEKK!".
Oh did I abhor push ups! Sensei would go down the line asking for the Japanese terms of the various techniques and those who didn't know the term would have to go down and do 10 push ups. I had plenty of motivation to learn my terms, if that is what it took to avoid push ups. Sensei couldn't stump me.. He tried.. oh gosh he tried to find an obscure term that he had taught me that I might have forgotten.. but nope. I fought valiantly against having to do those push ups.
I remember one time that Sensei asked a higher belt for a term.. and the person said in a joking manner "Why don't you ask her? " So Sensei turned to me with a smile and did the movement again. I bowed my head in embarrassment and said "Sensei, I am not familiar with that movement," ( I saw a look of triumph appear on Sensei's face) "but I do know one that is similar from Heian Yondan," I continued, " and that one is called Kaki waki Uke." The look of stunned surprise on the faces of all the other students was precious when Sensei burst out laughing and said "Yes.. it's the same."
I remember my first roundhouse kicks. I looked like I was attempting to imitate a Dutch windmill with my arms, and legs. Nothing worked together, and I'd end up collapse on the ground giggling into my knees with the joy of knowing that one day I was going to DO this kick... but right now, I look like "Goofy does karate".
Oh I'd get lost with every new thing that was introduced..It's like everything was reset back to the start... mentally, and physically. Sensei never stopped supporting, and challenging me to get beyond where I was at.. and I didn't stop giving myself permission to keep trying.
A difficult time arose for me. My father was ill, and dying. I found that training in karate helped me with the stress. I asked Sensei if I could attend both of his dojo so that I could burn off the extra emotions, and energy within me. He allowed me that priviledge, and I started double training. Innercity dojo, and then again at 17th Wing dojo.
My weight went down 30 pounds, my health went up.. Sure, I became sore, and my family would get no end of entertainment listening to my moans and groans from even little things like lifting my cup of tea to my lips.
When Innercity dojo closed down, I went into a deep concern for the fact that I didn't want to lose all of the physical conditioning that I worked so hard to gain. I requested Sensei's permission to attend a free kyokushin karate class that was offered every Friday, and received it.
I entered the kyokushin dojo with apprehension knowing that it was a full contact karate, and what a timid little mouse I felt like inside of me. I spoke with the Sensei there explaining that my main goal was to keep up my physical condition through the extra exercise, but that I would attempt to train Kyokushin while in his dojo...if he would allow me to train there. Thus humbly starts the difficult path of cross training in two arts about 2 years ago.
This little woman who couldn't climb one set of stairs without suffering is now training in karate almost every day of the week, and twice on Saturdays. She does weight lifting at home, and puts in about 22 hours of training per week (if she can steal that time from other things)
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Only 5 days away
I'm trying not to get all uptight, and nervous about the upcoming test. Only 5 days away. I'm standing at the sink washing dishes, and finally keeping my mind busy with other thoughts when my little daughter comes in and says "Mommy! Your black belt test is only 5 days away.. Wow!" That number strikes into my mind like an alarm... Sheesh.
Bedtime, and my thoughts go towards.. "I wonder what will happen on that day. I wonder if I'll be able to cope with the nervousness.. I have to take it as "just another class"..but it's not just another class.. It's a black belt test. Oh gosh.. me? me? Yes.. of course me! That's why I've been training so hard all this time. I've got what it takes, I just have to let myself do it.. that's all... it's only 5 days away."
Deep breaths.. calm down. No need to get all uptight like the weeks before Christmas when I was a child, and I couldn't sleep because of all the thoughts of the presents that I'd be getting.. and daydreaming of what I'd find under the tree. I'm an adult now.. I can get beyond the excitement.. I can get past the anticipation. Oh I wonder if I'll see my friends at my belt test.. I wonder what it will be like to train under the new Master. I wonder if my muscles will cramp up that day or not... maybe I should make sure that I eat plenty of bananas on Thursday, and Friday before to make sure that I have enough potassium, and magnesium in my system.... only 5 days away.
This week is going to go by so fast.. and the testing will be over and done with before I know it.. and I'll be back to normal everyday training again. So I guess I should enjoy these final days of being extra energetic.
I've been watching my every step to make sure that I do not injure myself before my test. I've been extra paranoid that I'll catch a cold/flu before my test. I've been keeping track of how many hours of sleep I get.. it's only 5 days away, you know.
Bedtime, and my thoughts go towards.. "I wonder what will happen on that day. I wonder if I'll be able to cope with the nervousness.. I have to take it as "just another class"..but it's not just another class.. It's a black belt test. Oh gosh.. me? me? Yes.. of course me! That's why I've been training so hard all this time. I've got what it takes, I just have to let myself do it.. that's all... it's only 5 days away."
Deep breaths.. calm down. No need to get all uptight like the weeks before Christmas when I was a child, and I couldn't sleep because of all the thoughts of the presents that I'd be getting.. and daydreaming of what I'd find under the tree. I'm an adult now.. I can get beyond the excitement.. I can get past the anticipation. Oh I wonder if I'll see my friends at my belt test.. I wonder what it will be like to train under the new Master. I wonder if my muscles will cramp up that day or not... maybe I should make sure that I eat plenty of bananas on Thursday, and Friday before to make sure that I have enough potassium, and magnesium in my system.... only 5 days away.
This week is going to go by so fast.. and the testing will be over and done with before I know it.. and I'll be back to normal everyday training again. So I guess I should enjoy these final days of being extra energetic.
I've been watching my every step to make sure that I do not injure myself before my test. I've been extra paranoid that I'll catch a cold/flu before my test. I've been keeping track of how many hours of sleep I get.. it's only 5 days away, you know.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Snow, and Pain
It snowed immensely for a few days.. Our city was drowned in snow. Schools closed down, buses became stuck on the streets blocking traffic. The weather became one of the first topics that you would talk about with people.
We arrived at our dojo to find the parking lot unaccessible with wind driven drifts of snow. Driving down the side streets we couldn't find a safe place to park our car without the concern that we wouldn't be able to pull out again after class. Finally we found a safe place which was a good 10 minutes walk away from the dojo.
Against the wind we walked in single file sloughing through knee-high snow with our backpacks perched up on our shoulders.
We asked ourselves if we were the only ones crazy enough to show up to train today, but no.. there were 8 other karate students as nuts as us.
Class started, and within 15 minutes of training, my psoriasis skin condition flared up in pain. It felt like I was covered with boiling oil from my ankles to my neck. It HURT!
Oh I know why I flared up: When you combine the fact that the winter air is very dry, with the extra stress of the past 2 weeks of struggling with my autistic son everyday to do his homework, disciplining my 3 younger children to try to get them to clean their room for the past 2 days, being awakened by one of my daughters all last night due to "nightmares" thereby getting less than 3 hours sleep, and the stress of the oncoming black belt test which has been developing incrementally heavilly upon me for the past month. I'm not surprised that my skin condition flared with intensity.
I was in such pain that my hands were involuntarilly shaking. I wanted to break down in tears, and beg Sensei to allow me to pull out of class. I thought again about that over and over as I trained, but I realized that there is a big chance that I may flare up during seminar and testing. I have to be able to perform even with the pain filling my arms, torso, and legs each time I move.
I would meditate each time that we stopped moving. I'd close my eyes, and focus on my breathing, and tell myself.. "It's just pain from my skin. It won't kill me.. I can breath through it. I can do this.. I just need to focus even more."
We were nearing the end of class, and I was asked to perform my Bassai Dai kata. I mentally told myself.. "Don't focus on the pain.. focus on the movement of the muscles with the techniques.. on your breathing.. not the pain.. the pain isn't important.." I did my kata, and finished with a strong kiai.
Oh I need to rest, calm down, and put some moisturizing cream on me to be able to handle next week's test without as much pain. I'm just glad that through the combination of training in karate, and changing my diet to a healthier food combining method I have already healed over 60% of my skin condition naturally. I remember a time when my skin would have broken open throughout a class like this, and bled all over my gi, and maybe my opponent's gi in sparring. I didn't have to suffer that embarrasment this time.
We arrived at our dojo to find the parking lot unaccessible with wind driven drifts of snow. Driving down the side streets we couldn't find a safe place to park our car without the concern that we wouldn't be able to pull out again after class. Finally we found a safe place which was a good 10 minutes walk away from the dojo.
Against the wind we walked in single file sloughing through knee-high snow with our backpacks perched up on our shoulders.
We asked ourselves if we were the only ones crazy enough to show up to train today, but no.. there were 8 other karate students as nuts as us.
Class started, and within 15 minutes of training, my psoriasis skin condition flared up in pain. It felt like I was covered with boiling oil from my ankles to my neck. It HURT!
Oh I know why I flared up: When you combine the fact that the winter air is very dry, with the extra stress of the past 2 weeks of struggling with my autistic son everyday to do his homework, disciplining my 3 younger children to try to get them to clean their room for the past 2 days, being awakened by one of my daughters all last night due to "nightmares" thereby getting less than 3 hours sleep, and the stress of the oncoming black belt test which has been developing incrementally heavilly upon me for the past month. I'm not surprised that my skin condition flared with intensity.
I was in such pain that my hands were involuntarilly shaking. I wanted to break down in tears, and beg Sensei to allow me to pull out of class. I thought again about that over and over as I trained, but I realized that there is a big chance that I may flare up during seminar and testing. I have to be able to perform even with the pain filling my arms, torso, and legs each time I move.
I would meditate each time that we stopped moving. I'd close my eyes, and focus on my breathing, and tell myself.. "It's just pain from my skin. It won't kill me.. I can breath through it. I can do this.. I just need to focus even more."
We were nearing the end of class, and I was asked to perform my Bassai Dai kata. I mentally told myself.. "Don't focus on the pain.. focus on the movement of the muscles with the techniques.. on your breathing.. not the pain.. the pain isn't important.." I did my kata, and finished with a strong kiai.
Oh I need to rest, calm down, and put some moisturizing cream on me to be able to handle next week's test without as much pain. I'm just glad that through the combination of training in karate, and changing my diet to a healthier food combining method I have already healed over 60% of my skin condition naturally. I remember a time when my skin would have broken open throughout a class like this, and bled all over my gi, and maybe my opponent's gi in sparring. I didn't have to suffer that embarrasment this time.
Monday, November 14, 2005
One of my favorite martial arts humour sites
I haven't read their books.. but if it's as enjoyable as the website, I can't WAIT to get my hands on one of them.
Their website has a martial arts advisor, who will help you choose the right art for you.. the questions are quite humorous!
There is so much to look at on this website: Downloadable origami paper slippers, how to avoid exhaustion through time wasting techniques, a well thought out answer to the whole "does Ki exist?" debate. If you want a good smile, even get to the point of laughing out loud, I would really suggest visiting this site. It's one of my favorite ones on the net.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
I feel ready

Let's see.. we are only 5 classes away from the BIG moment for me, and I feel ready.
I've trained extra since July of this year, building up my skills, working on my balance, focusing on my progress, and last night I felt that inner solidity that told me that I'm mentally, and physically up to the challenge. It's a nice feeling to know that you have done what you could to prepare for something and to recheck it all, and find it adequate.
Now it's time to pamper myself, relax, and allow time to bring me to where I need to be.. In fact, I'm happilly anticipating the moment now. Sure, I realize that there is so much more to learn in my path of training in karate, but I feel secure in the base that I have built in the past years that I will be able to add onto what I have, and continue growing in my art.
I still have that healthy nervousness of anticipation... which is good, because one doesn't want to be apathetic, and over confident about the whole event.
There is something magical about the Shodan test that just cannot be recaptured by any succeeding black belt Dan tests. It's similar to the first time that you walk into that Junior High school. For years you were the senior student of the elementary school with the responsibilities, and priviledges, and now you walk in amoung all of these tall teenagers, and you feel like you are back in kindergarten again.
Bring on the challenge, I'm ready to face what happens, and live with the results.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Karate memories: Falling asleep at my belt test
I was going for my green belt ( 7th kyu). We had a 3 day seminar happening with Testing on Saturday. Our dojo was running a little concession stand to help raise money to support the students. On Friday night, we had sold out of all the homemade baking that was provided.
I went home after training, near 9:30 pm, and started baking. Muffins, cakes, cookies, brownies.. the oven had continual things going in, or coming out of it. Time marched on too quickly, and it was already 4 am when I stood there looking over a table full of baking with satisfaction. Sure.. I realized that this was the night before my belt test, but as a mother of 7 children, I have had more than plenty of "white nights" wherein I didn't sleep all night, and I was still able to cope the next day. How could this be any different?
The next morning I happilly brought in my baking to help supply the table, and then went to the gym to warm up. I didn't feel at all tired, just the excitement of being able to participate in this event. I enjoyed the seminar class with full energy.
It came time for testing. I was pretty happy with how I was coping with my lack of sleep. I forgot that there is a long, quiet time when the students are being lined up in order of their name, and rank. We sat there silent, and not moving.. I fought the sleepy blanket of calmness that took over my mind, and body, but the voices of the various Sensei melded into a warm mutter, and my eyelids drooped, then my head drooped. One of my dojo friends was sitting next to me, she nudged my arm to wake me up with the shocked words "Are you falling asleep????? Now? Ten minutes before you test?" The looks of shock, and awe surrounded me. Almost like their faces were teleprompters, they broadcasted the message "How can she not be nervous at a time like this? How can she fall asleep?"
I still smile at the memory of this moment. I will make sure that I get a good night's sleep before my Shodan test, if I have to have my husband smack me with a 2 by 4 to get that result.
I went home after training, near 9:30 pm, and started baking. Muffins, cakes, cookies, brownies.. the oven had continual things going in, or coming out of it. Time marched on too quickly, and it was already 4 am when I stood there looking over a table full of baking with satisfaction. Sure.. I realized that this was the night before my belt test, but as a mother of 7 children, I have had more than plenty of "white nights" wherein I didn't sleep all night, and I was still able to cope the next day. How could this be any different?
The next morning I happilly brought in my baking to help supply the table, and then went to the gym to warm up. I didn't feel at all tired, just the excitement of being able to participate in this event. I enjoyed the seminar class with full energy.
It came time for testing. I was pretty happy with how I was coping with my lack of sleep. I forgot that there is a long, quiet time when the students are being lined up in order of their name, and rank. We sat there silent, and not moving.. I fought the sleepy blanket of calmness that took over my mind, and body, but the voices of the various Sensei melded into a warm mutter, and my eyelids drooped, then my head drooped. One of my dojo friends was sitting next to me, she nudged my arm to wake me up with the shocked words "Are you falling asleep????? Now? Ten minutes before you test?" The looks of shock, and awe surrounded me. Almost like their faces were teleprompters, they broadcasted the message "How can she not be nervous at a time like this? How can she fall asleep?"
I still smile at the memory of this moment. I will make sure that I get a good night's sleep before my Shodan test, if I have to have my husband smack me with a 2 by 4 to get that result.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Important enough to repeat it often..
There are as many different kinds of students out there in the martial arts world as there are personalities. Each person is unique, and brings a different flavour into the dojo. I've been thinking about "who" I want to be as I train: What kind of attitude, and performance I hope to achieve at each class.I hope some day to achieve the following
a) To approach every opportunity to train with a positive attitude, seeing within the repetition of movements the seeds of personal growth.
b) To challenge myself to apply my fullest energy to each technique.. as if it was the last one I could defend myself with regardless to how exhausted my body becomes with the effort.
c) To be willing to push myself to the point wherein I have to pull to the side of the dojo during class because I have no more to give.. not reserving strength to be able to last.
d) Having the humility to accept my mistakes, and limitations, and the wisdom to see a chance to improve them.
e) Cherishing the gift I have in a Sensei who has chosen to help guide my path in the martial arts by doing my best during class, and practicing what he has taught me in between classes.
f) Being grateful for the fact that I am able to train in karate.... that I have the health, breath, interest, and energy to do so in the first place.
g) When asked to instruct others, I want to teach them with knowledge, and not with derision. I want to respect the fact that they are relying on me to guide them properly, and to do my utmost to help them improve without making them feel lesser.
h) I want to be a source of support, and encouragement to others in my dojo. Energizing the room by responding to commands sharply, and properly. Kiai'ing with full spirit at the appropriate times. Keeping a focused attitude towards the execution of my techniques regardless of the behaviour of some students around me.
i) I want to be an example of self-control, and respect. Looking towards simple outward signs of having such an attitude like wearing a clean, ironed gi, with a well-tied obi, or placing my coat and shoes in a neat way at the entrance.
j) I want to have the inner flexibility to allow myself to enjoy karate, and yet manage to keep a serious demeanor. I want to respond to the needs of the moment, to be able to smile, and laugh.. and also to be focused, and centered when needed.
k) I want to be an extra emotional support to those women who chose to train in martial arts. Without being sexist, I would like to help women understand the different demands being placed upon them, and how to cope with them, as I struggle to find answers for myself.
L) I want to be open, friendly, and welcoming to new faces of the dojo, always keeping in mind how terrified I was on my first days of training.
m) I want to continue training well into my mature age.. keeping karate-do as part of my life until my last breath. Accepting the changes that time places on my body as a challenge to learn to adapt, and use what I have in the most efficient way possible.
If I can think of anything else that I am hoping to develop.. I will add it later.
a) To approach every opportunity to train with a positive attitude, seeing within the repetition of movements the seeds of personal growth.
b) To challenge myself to apply my fullest energy to each technique.. as if it was the last one I could defend myself with regardless to how exhausted my body becomes with the effort.
c) To be willing to push myself to the point wherein I have to pull to the side of the dojo during class because I have no more to give.. not reserving strength to be able to last.
d) Having the humility to accept my mistakes, and limitations, and the wisdom to see a chance to improve them.
e) Cherishing the gift I have in a Sensei who has chosen to help guide my path in the martial arts by doing my best during class, and practicing what he has taught me in between classes.
f) Being grateful for the fact that I am able to train in karate.... that I have the health, breath, interest, and energy to do so in the first place.
g) When asked to instruct others, I want to teach them with knowledge, and not with derision. I want to respect the fact that they are relying on me to guide them properly, and to do my utmost to help them improve without making them feel lesser.
h) I want to be a source of support, and encouragement to others in my dojo. Energizing the room by responding to commands sharply, and properly. Kiai'ing with full spirit at the appropriate times. Keeping a focused attitude towards the execution of my techniques regardless of the behaviour of some students around me.
i) I want to be an example of self-control, and respect. Looking towards simple outward signs of having such an attitude like wearing a clean, ironed gi, with a well-tied obi, or placing my coat and shoes in a neat way at the entrance.
j) I want to have the inner flexibility to allow myself to enjoy karate, and yet manage to keep a serious demeanor. I want to respond to the needs of the moment, to be able to smile, and laugh.. and also to be focused, and centered when needed.
k) I want to be an extra emotional support to those women who chose to train in martial arts. Without being sexist, I would like to help women understand the different demands being placed upon them, and how to cope with them, as I struggle to find answers for myself.
L) I want to be open, friendly, and welcoming to new faces of the dojo, always keeping in mind how terrified I was on my first days of training.
m) I want to continue training well into my mature age.. keeping karate-do as part of my life until my last breath. Accepting the changes that time places on my body as a challenge to learn to adapt, and use what I have in the most efficient way possible.
If I can think of anything else that I am hoping to develop.. I will add it later.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
The Joy of teaching
I believe that I've been born with the love of teaching. One of the most enjoyable games that I played was to place all of my toys in order, and to "teach" them school.
As I attended school myself, I was always the student that everyone turned to for tutoring on their confusion.
I have always felt a joy within me when I was able to help someone learn something that they didn't know before, or when I could help someone succeed at their goals.
So, enter this lady into a karate dojo... It wasn't too long that this little white belt was watching a fellow white belt struggle by themselves with the technique they were learning. So, what did this "brand new to karate" woman do? She took the little bit of skill, and knowledge that she had acquired from listening to Sensei, approached her fellow student and said "I really don't know this any better than you, but maybe together we can figure it out. I remember Sensei saying that we need to do this.."
Well.. by orange belt ( 8th kyu), with only 6 months of experience in the arts, I was allowed to help introduce very simple basic techniques to the brand new students, especially the little ones under the age of 8 years old.
Unorthodox.. That is the start of the description of how I creatively recreated the way to teach the simple basics to little ones whose attention would shift every 10 seconds. At one point, to keep their focus, I said to the kids.. "O.K..! I want you to be like little trains.. Punch, punch.. punch.. punch.. choo.. choo.. choo.. choo..." Sensei happened to be walking past me at the time, and I received one of those LOOKS of "What the heck are you doing?".. and a quizzical "Choo.. choo ?" formation of his lips. Now that I look back at that moment with the knowledge of the arts that I have now, I can't help but laugh. However, back then, I was a Mom who was trying to teach little ones and to reach them on their level. I got results though! The kids responded well, and learned.
As I gained in understanding, and knowledge of the arts, I became more and more efficient as a helper to my fellow students. I do not see myself as a teacher anymore, but more as a support, and guide to helping the other person uncover the information within themselves that will bring them to their goal.
Oh I love this challenge! That look of realization that fills their eyes as they understand what it is that they are doing, and how to do it. The look of satisfaction as they go from awkward movements to confidence. The look of happiness as they come to enjoy karate as much as you.
The words of wisdom from my internet Sensei friend, Paul, fills my mind each time I face the challenge of helping my fellow students: "Teach with knowledge, and not derision." Yes! That is so right! That is the kind of Sempai that I chose to become. Thank you, Paul.
As I attended school myself, I was always the student that everyone turned to for tutoring on their confusion.
I have always felt a joy within me when I was able to help someone learn something that they didn't know before, or when I could help someone succeed at their goals.
So, enter this lady into a karate dojo... It wasn't too long that this little white belt was watching a fellow white belt struggle by themselves with the technique they were learning. So, what did this "brand new to karate" woman do? She took the little bit of skill, and knowledge that she had acquired from listening to Sensei, approached her fellow student and said "I really don't know this any better than you, but maybe together we can figure it out. I remember Sensei saying that we need to do this.."
Well.. by orange belt ( 8th kyu), with only 6 months of experience in the arts, I was allowed to help introduce very simple basic techniques to the brand new students, especially the little ones under the age of 8 years old.
Unorthodox.. That is the start of the description of how I creatively recreated the way to teach the simple basics to little ones whose attention would shift every 10 seconds. At one point, to keep their focus, I said to the kids.. "O.K..! I want you to be like little trains.. Punch, punch.. punch.. punch.. choo.. choo.. choo.. choo..." Sensei happened to be walking past me at the time, and I received one of those LOOKS of "What the heck are you doing?".. and a quizzical "Choo.. choo ?" formation of his lips. Now that I look back at that moment with the knowledge of the arts that I have now, I can't help but laugh. However, back then, I was a Mom who was trying to teach little ones and to reach them on their level. I got results though! The kids responded well, and learned.
As I gained in understanding, and knowledge of the arts, I became more and more efficient as a helper to my fellow students. I do not see myself as a teacher anymore, but more as a support, and guide to helping the other person uncover the information within themselves that will bring them to their goal.
Oh I love this challenge! That look of realization that fills their eyes as they understand what it is that they are doing, and how to do it. The look of satisfaction as they go from awkward movements to confidence. The look of happiness as they come to enjoy karate as much as you.
The words of wisdom from my internet Sensei friend, Paul, fills my mind each time I face the challenge of helping my fellow students: "Teach with knowledge, and not derision." Yes! That is so right! That is the kind of Sempai that I chose to become. Thank you, Paul.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I can't believe that I'm doing this
On the advice of a very wise karate ka that I admire very much, I'm going to cut back on my training schedule before my test. Now.. as the date of my test is looming over my head, I feel so much inner pressure to ADD on more practice to my schedule, not take away practice. But he has warned me that too many Shodans will overtrain before their test, and then perform very weakly and not do well at all.
O.K. let's see.. I would have to remove my weight lifting. Every Tues., Thurs., and Sunday night I would do 45 minutes of upper body weight lifting with 3 pound weights. O.K.. I understand that my muscles are overloaded, and need to repair and heal. Alright.. I'll let that go until after my test. ... and I guess that the 30 minutes of conditioning will have to go on those nights too then. The 100 sit ups, and 50 regular push ups, 20 knuckle push ups, and the tricep lift thingies too. BUT... I can replace it with stretching. can't I? Stretching is supposed to help muscles reconnect, and heal. Perhaps I can do some relaxed stretching during that time that I've slotted for home training.
I guess that my special Sunday night training of kata, and Bo staff is going to have to go, also. Oh no.. no.. I'll half it to an half hour for each, but not gone. I don't want to lose that part. Maybe I can just do the kata in slow speed. It can't be too bad to just do the Bo staff warm up lightly.. just to keep the feel of the Bo in my hands.
I'll bring down my kicking practice to 10 kicks per side. I can't help thinking "Is this a good idea? Aren't I going to lose that which I worked so hard to gain?" but I'm going to trust in the experience, and wisdom of my friend. He's been there, done that more than once. He knows what needs to be done.
I've got to say that I feel a real inner pressure now. AARGH.. this is going against what I want to do. It's like reining in the head of a race horse before the finish line. I'm champing on the bit like crazy with that "Let me RUN!" feeling inside me.
O.K. let's see.. I would have to remove my weight lifting. Every Tues., Thurs., and Sunday night I would do 45 minutes of upper body weight lifting with 3 pound weights. O.K.. I understand that my muscles are overloaded, and need to repair and heal. Alright.. I'll let that go until after my test. ... and I guess that the 30 minutes of conditioning will have to go on those nights too then. The 100 sit ups, and 50 regular push ups, 20 knuckle push ups, and the tricep lift thingies too. BUT... I can replace it with stretching. can't I? Stretching is supposed to help muscles reconnect, and heal. Perhaps I can do some relaxed stretching during that time that I've slotted for home training.
I guess that my special Sunday night training of kata, and Bo staff is going to have to go, also. Oh no.. no.. I'll half it to an half hour for each, but not gone. I don't want to lose that part. Maybe I can just do the kata in slow speed. It can't be too bad to just do the Bo staff warm up lightly.. just to keep the feel of the Bo in my hands.
I'll bring down my kicking practice to 10 kicks per side. I can't help thinking "Is this a good idea? Aren't I going to lose that which I worked so hard to gain?" but I'm going to trust in the experience, and wisdom of my friend. He's been there, done that more than once. He knows what needs to be done.
I've got to say that I feel a real inner pressure now. AARGH.. this is going against what I want to do. It's like reining in the head of a race horse before the finish line. I'm champing on the bit like crazy with that "Let me RUN!" feeling inside me.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Overdid it again
I went up to Sensei first thing, and told him the bad news that I've overtrained this week by attending seminar classes, regular classes, and training at home. I had exhausted myself. I was feeling so sore! I could even feel the tiny little muscles on the sides of my knees.. that's how bad it was. Any stance made my legs shake. I was always behind everyone during our exercises. I actually made the Sempai chuckle because everyone would be finished the last movement, and kiai.. and then you would hear me a few breaths later like a little tiny terrier barking.
Sensei paired us off.. and we had to do one step sparring. Oh I was sore.. so sore. I stood there in front of my opponent thinking "Hey.. maybe I should just let the punch land.. it will hurt less than blocking, and countering." Ha haha.. but then I
decided to keep trying.. keep training.. facing each one with the attitude "Just one more.. I can do just one more.." and deep breathing in those moments of not moving.
Attacking was difficult enough, but then it was my turn to defend... again I was slower than I should be because of my stiffness, and that feeling of reluctance to move because of the pain. I heard a little voice in my head say "I can't do this", and I grabbed that thought and said instead "No.. no.. don't go there.. What if? What if I could block, and counter again? What if I have it within me to do one more? Surely.. I can do it. Just one more.."
I had to convince myself that I could do one more with each successive partner. Class was just one moment of pain, after another moment. I said to myself "This too shall pass.." and kept going until the end.
I was facing my last opponent, and I pulled down into the depths of me, forcing energy from my innards, forcing my muscles to block and counter.. my knees to bend so that I can reach my target.. my kiai to come out and buoy me through it all. I held my counter attack with a feeling of satisfaction. I felt so good. Although physically I was at my weakest, spiritually I was flying sky high!
Sensei paired us off.. and we had to do one step sparring. Oh I was sore.. so sore. I stood there in front of my opponent thinking "Hey.. maybe I should just let the punch land.. it will hurt less than blocking, and countering." Ha haha.. but then I
decided to keep trying.. keep training.. facing each one with the attitude "Just one more.. I can do just one more.." and deep breathing in those moments of not moving.
Attacking was difficult enough, but then it was my turn to defend... again I was slower than I should be because of my stiffness, and that feeling of reluctance to move because of the pain. I heard a little voice in my head say "I can't do this", and I grabbed that thought and said instead "No.. no.. don't go there.. What if? What if I could block, and counter again? What if I have it within me to do one more? Surely.. I can do it. Just one more.."
I had to convince myself that I could do one more with each successive partner. Class was just one moment of pain, after another moment. I said to myself "This too shall pass.." and kept going until the end.
I was facing my last opponent, and I pulled down into the depths of me, forcing energy from my innards, forcing my muscles to block and counter.. my knees to bend so that I can reach my target.. my kiai to come out and buoy me through it all. I held my counter attack with a feeling of satisfaction. I felt so good. Although physically I was at my weakest, spiritually I was flying sky high!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Officially feeling it today
Nurturing a sick daughter, getting lunches ready for 3 children, making sure the homeschooled son is doing his work, facing the hills of dishes, and mountains of laundry, finding the peanut butter container stashed behind the couch, sweeping lego, crayons, paper, crumbs off of the floor, realizing that I have yet to iron my gi for the noon karate class, Also becoming aware that it's past 10 am and I haven't eaten yet... I stopped for a few seconds to rest, and recuperate.
I have 7 minutes before I have to leave my home to go join class at seminar with Yaguchi Sensei. I have to walk the one hour trek to, and from the venue. The cost of my black belt test is making finances very very tight in my home. Then I return home, clean up more, make supper, and get ready for karate class tonight. I am One Tired Mommy.
Moments like this make you stop and ask yourself "Do I really want it that bad?"
Since my answer is still "Yes, it's worth it." Then I will stop typing, and start walking.
I have 7 minutes before I have to leave my home to go join class at seminar with Yaguchi Sensei. I have to walk the one hour trek to, and from the venue. The cost of my black belt test is making finances very very tight in my home. Then I return home, clean up more, make supper, and get ready for karate class tonight. I am One Tired Mommy.
Moments like this make you stop and ask yourself "Do I really want it that bad?"
Since my answer is still "Yes, it's worth it." Then I will stop typing, and start walking.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Innercity memories
My very first dojo was quite different from the average dojo. Situated in a high school, the students were mainly young teenagers that came of their own motivation to learn karate. They couldn't afford to pay for the lessons, in fact most of them couldn't afford to pay for the bus fare to and from the dojo. They would walk to class straight from school. We would do various fundraising activities to support the dojo. From spring cleaning people's yards, running concession stands at events, picking up litter at local street fairs, catering, and serving at functions, the dojo found money to pay for organization fees, tournament fees, testing fees, travel, and even a little bit to show our Sensei our gratitude. ( Not much though.. poor Sensei.. talking about working for peanuts.. there were times when Sensei taught for cupcakes, and rootbeer.)
These kids had heart, and did their best to work together to meet their goals. For example, One weekend, our dojo had traveled to go to a weekend seminar, and tournament. We made an event of it, bringing the kids to a campground a night early. During that evening, through silly play fighting, one of the teens accidently fell on top of another whose wrist bent the wrong way, and a bone broke in her wrist. The adult supervisors rushed her to the hospital, and found out that she needed a cast on her left arm. They didn't return to the campsite until near 2 am. The next morning, the girl insisted that she still wanted to participate in the tournament. She had inquired with the doctor if it would be possible, and he said that "yes, as long as she didn't do any sparring, that her hand didn't swell, and if it didn't hurt too much."
We showed up to the tournament, and informed our Sensei. The girl was begging him with her eyes to please allow her to compete in kata. With cautious permission, she was allowed to enter the event. You should have seen how the rest of the dojo teens supported her! She didn't take a breath in or out without one of the teens asking her if her hand was swelling, and if she felt fine, if she wanted something to eat or drink.
She went up to compete. At the end of her kata, the judges all gathered to discuss something. The discussion went on for a long, long time. Suddenly the girl turned around to face her dojo mates with a look of elated humour on her face. She pointed to her cast, and said conspiratorilly "They don't know how to mark my points...", and then she turned around to face the judges again.
All of us from Innercity dojo muffled our laughter. It ended up that the judges had to base her kata on her GOOD arm movements. This girl won the Bronze medal for her kata at her first tournament. I will always remember her example of courage, and dedication, and the awesome support shown to her by her dojo mates.
Moments like the one above happened often in our dojo. I believe it is because of the way this dojo existed. We didn't have access to our high school location during the summer months, so to train we would have to find a place. As long as we were willing to gather, Sensei was willing to teach us. We trained in the rain in the park, in the heat of the sun, in the artic temperatures of an overly air conditioned gym, in a bingo hall where we had to move over a hundred tables and chairs to the side, and then back into place, in a small church 15 foot by 15 foot room where Sensei had to stack his students.. Training in the local park was always an experience. People would actually come, and set up a picnic to watch us. Cars would drive by shouting something about karate. You'd never know what they said though because the wind would snatch away the words. Although we always did a preliminary sweep of the area for hazards such as glass, sticks, large stones, and dog droppings.. there was the occasional time when we'd miss something, and find it later during training. The funniest memory for me of this is when we were doing an intricate sparring exercise with our partner in Kildonan Park. It had started to rain. Sensei informed us that this is good training.. now we can learn to move so quickly that we can dodge inbetween the raindrops. Funny, but none of his students managed to achieve that feat that day. We all walked away with water dripping from our hair. As we were doing our exercise, one of the teen boys slipped with his right foot, and screamed out. The whole dojo stopped in concern.. "Oh no!" I thought instantly "He pulled a muscle because he slipped on the wet grass!" However, that was not the case. The boy got a look of utter disgust on his face, and he started wiping the heel of his foot on the grass in front of him. We all erupted in laughter. Sensei warned us all not to do our sparring practice in that end of the field from now on.
Sadly, for a variety of reasons this dojo had to close down. Sensei had thousands of students parade in front of him for the 7 years that this dojo existed. Sure, many did well in tournaments, bringing home gold, silver and bronze medals. More importantly, the students learned about themselves, and what they can achieve. In a area that has such a high drop out rate among teens, these students finished their grade 12, continued on in life to get good employment, and raise lovely families. Sensei challenged them to find their inner spirit.. and his students responded. We have all gained in our lives through our experiences in this dojo, and I am grateful for the fact that I was lucky enough to have participated in it.
These kids had heart, and did their best to work together to meet their goals. For example, One weekend, our dojo had traveled to go to a weekend seminar, and tournament. We made an event of it, bringing the kids to a campground a night early. During that evening, through silly play fighting, one of the teens accidently fell on top of another whose wrist bent the wrong way, and a bone broke in her wrist. The adult supervisors rushed her to the hospital, and found out that she needed a cast on her left arm. They didn't return to the campsite until near 2 am. The next morning, the girl insisted that she still wanted to participate in the tournament. She had inquired with the doctor if it would be possible, and he said that "yes, as long as she didn't do any sparring, that her hand didn't swell, and if it didn't hurt too much."
We showed up to the tournament, and informed our Sensei. The girl was begging him with her eyes to please allow her to compete in kata. With cautious permission, she was allowed to enter the event. You should have seen how the rest of the dojo teens supported her! She didn't take a breath in or out without one of the teens asking her if her hand was swelling, and if she felt fine, if she wanted something to eat or drink.
She went up to compete. At the end of her kata, the judges all gathered to discuss something. The discussion went on for a long, long time. Suddenly the girl turned around to face her dojo mates with a look of elated humour on her face. She pointed to her cast, and said conspiratorilly "They don't know how to mark my points...", and then she turned around to face the judges again.
All of us from Innercity dojo muffled our laughter. It ended up that the judges had to base her kata on her GOOD arm movements. This girl won the Bronze medal for her kata at her first tournament. I will always remember her example of courage, and dedication, and the awesome support shown to her by her dojo mates.
Moments like the one above happened often in our dojo. I believe it is because of the way this dojo existed. We didn't have access to our high school location during the summer months, so to train we would have to find a place. As long as we were willing to gather, Sensei was willing to teach us. We trained in the rain in the park, in the heat of the sun, in the artic temperatures of an overly air conditioned gym, in a bingo hall where we had to move over a hundred tables and chairs to the side, and then back into place, in a small church 15 foot by 15 foot room where Sensei had to stack his students.. Training in the local park was always an experience. People would actually come, and set up a picnic to watch us. Cars would drive by shouting something about karate. You'd never know what they said though because the wind would snatch away the words. Although we always did a preliminary sweep of the area for hazards such as glass, sticks, large stones, and dog droppings.. there was the occasional time when we'd miss something, and find it later during training. The funniest memory for me of this is when we were doing an intricate sparring exercise with our partner in Kildonan Park. It had started to rain. Sensei informed us that this is good training.. now we can learn to move so quickly that we can dodge inbetween the raindrops. Funny, but none of his students managed to achieve that feat that day. We all walked away with water dripping from our hair. As we were doing our exercise, one of the teen boys slipped with his right foot, and screamed out. The whole dojo stopped in concern.. "Oh no!" I thought instantly "He pulled a muscle because he slipped on the wet grass!" However, that was not the case. The boy got a look of utter disgust on his face, and he started wiping the heel of his foot on the grass in front of him. We all erupted in laughter. Sensei warned us all not to do our sparring practice in that end of the field from now on.
Sadly, for a variety of reasons this dojo had to close down. Sensei had thousands of students parade in front of him for the 7 years that this dojo existed. Sure, many did well in tournaments, bringing home gold, silver and bronze medals. More importantly, the students learned about themselves, and what they can achieve. In a area that has such a high drop out rate among teens, these students finished their grade 12, continued on in life to get good employment, and raise lovely families. Sensei challenged them to find their inner spirit.. and his students responded. We have all gained in our lives through our experiences in this dojo, and I am grateful for the fact that I was lucky enough to have participated in it.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Karate memories: When I became aware of my breath..
I was performing the Heian Yondan Kata at a Tournament. Right after the first kiai point, I turned and did the double block. Putting all effort possible into the two punches.. I noticed that there were puffs of air coming out of me. Delighted, my whole attention turned towards feeling that air come out of me as my techniques happened almost on their own. My thoughts turned to: "Ooooo... how wonderful! Each time I send a strike or block my body is tightening, and the air is puffing out of me on it's own. COOL! I didn't know that I can do that, am I supposed to be doing this? What a sensation!!!!" Since I became preoccupied with my breathing I ended up at the third knife hand totally forgetting which kata I was doing. I stood there in a state of not moving.. almost in pause.... trying to remember which kata I was on... Suddenly reawakening to the fact that I was in the middle of a tournament surrounded by 5 judges who will be giving me a score on my kata... I thought " Oh oh ! " Now my thoughts moved faster "Oh dear.. I'm in backstance.. with my left foot forwards.. which kata has that.. LOTS of them.. What do I do? How will I finish this?" As my mind searched for the next move, I stayed still, and calm. It felt like an eternity as I stood there holding my position. All of a sudden I felt my body suggesting a "feeling" of movement that fit with where I was paused. With the total abandon of the thought "it's better than nothing" I followed the suggestion of my body memory, and finished the kata quite well, with the proper techniques, and stances. To my astonishment, my kata performance won me the silver medal. I guess that I wasn't stuck in pause as long as I thought I had... or I did it with such style that it seemed to fit there? Either way, I became aware of my breathing, and I haven't been the same since.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Silly things to make you smile.. "Boot to the head" skit
Memories... Innercity dojo would travel together to each tournament in the same huge van that seated close to 16 people.. even more if you cheated the seatbelt laws a little.. We called it a "Dojo bus". When we arrived at the event location there was a tradition to listen to two things. First we had to listen to the "Ti Kwan Leap" skit.. and song, and then we listened to "Everybody was Kung fu fighting" song before we went to represent our Dojo. If you haven't ever heard of the "Ti Kwan Leap" skit I will now provide the transcript for your enjoyment:
Ti Kwan Leep
Approach, students. Close the circle at the feet of the master. You have come to me asking that I be your guide along the path of Ti Kwan Leep. But, be warned: To learn its ways, you must learn the ways of your own soul. Let us meditate upon this wisdom now. So: Aaaaaaooooommm......
Student1 (Ed Gruberman):
Uh, sir! Sir! (oo! oo!) Sir!
Who disturbs our meditation, as a pebble disturbs the stillness of the pond?
Me! Ed Gruberman?
E-Ed Gruberman?
Yeah, uh, no disrespect or nothin', but, like, uh, how long is this gonna take?
Ti Kwan Leep is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.
So like, what, an hour or so?
No, no, we have not even begun upon the path. Ed Gruberman, you must learn patience.
Yeah yeah yeah, patience. How long will that take?
Time has no meaning. To a true student, a year is as a day.
A YEAR??? I wanna beat people up right now! I got the pajamas! Hah woo yah ooomm!
"Beat people up"...?
Yeah! Just show me all those nifty moves so I can start trashing bozos! That's all I came here for! YO ASTA STA STA!!! Pretty good, ey?
The only use of Ti Kwan Leep is self-defense. Do you know who said that? Ki Lo Ni, the great teacher.
Yeah? Well the best defense is a good offense, you know who said that? Mel, the cook on "Alice".
No, um...Ti Kwan Leep is the wine of purity, not the vinegar of hostility. Meditate upon this truth with us. Aaaaoooommm...
Listen, shrimp! All this fag talk is really starting to piss me off. Now, are you gonna show me some fancy moves, or am I gonna start wapin' the walls with you?
Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Ti Kwan Leep. Approach me that you might see.
All right! Finally some action!
Observe closely, class. Boot to the Head! (SH-ZOOMP!)
EG (drunkenly):
Owww! You booted me in the head!
You are lucky, Ed Gruberman. Few novices experience so much of Ti Kwan Leep so soon.
EG (quietly, to himself):
Ow, oh, my head!
Now we continue. Aaaaaoooommmm...
Hey! Hey, I wasn't ready! Come and get me now shorty, huh? Come on, are ya chicken?
Boot to the head! (SH-ZOOMP!)
EG (again, drunkenly):
Oww! Okay, now I'm ready, okay, now, come on, try it now.
Boot to the head! (SH-ZOOMP!)
Mind if I just lie down here for a minute?
Now class, we shall return to our...
It is wrong to tip the vessel of knowledge, student.
Many apologies, master. But I feel Ed Gruberman is not wholly wrong.
What do you mean?
I want to boot some head, too.
Have you learned nothing from the lesson of Ed Gruberman?
Yes, master. I have learned two things. First, that anger is a weapon only to one's opponent.
Very good.
And secondly, get in the first shot. Boot to the head. (SH-ZOOMP!)
You missed.
Uh, yeah. Well...
You too shall be honored to learn a lesson...
You don't have to, you know. I-I gotta be going...
Boot to the head! (SH-ZOOMP!)
Student2 :
(agonizing pain) Oyyy oy oyyyy.... Oh....
Can anyone tell us what lesson has been learned here?
Uh, yes, master. Not a single one of us could defeat you.
You gain wisdom, child.
So we'll hafta gang up on ya! Get 'im guys!
(Teacher throws many 'Boot to the head!s' and 'SH-ZOOMP!s'.
There are many people groaning in pain.)
And now class, let us rejoin the mind to the body and gaze into the heart of the candle in meditation.
Very good, class.
If you wish to listen to this skit, or to the accompanying song, you can find it at:
In honor of my old dojo I will be listening to the traditional silly things on the morning of my Shodan test.
Ti Kwan Leep
Approach, students. Close the circle at the feet of the master. You have come to me asking that I be your guide along the path of Ti Kwan Leep. But, be warned: To learn its ways, you must learn the ways of your own soul. Let us meditate upon this wisdom now. So: Aaaaaaooooommm......
Student1 (Ed Gruberman):
Uh, sir! Sir! (oo! oo!) Sir!
Who disturbs our meditation, as a pebble disturbs the stillness of the pond?
Me! Ed Gruberman?
E-Ed Gruberman?
Yeah, uh, no disrespect or nothin', but, like, uh, how long is this gonna take?
Ti Kwan Leep is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.
So like, what, an hour or so?
No, no, we have not even begun upon the path. Ed Gruberman, you must learn patience.
Yeah yeah yeah, patience. How long will that take?
Time has no meaning. To a true student, a year is as a day.
A YEAR??? I wanna beat people up right now! I got the pajamas! Hah woo yah ooomm!
"Beat people up"...?
Yeah! Just show me all those nifty moves so I can start trashing bozos! That's all I came here for! YO ASTA STA STA!!! Pretty good, ey?
The only use of Ti Kwan Leep is self-defense. Do you know who said that? Ki Lo Ni, the great teacher.
Yeah? Well the best defense is a good offense, you know who said that? Mel, the cook on "Alice".
No, um...Ti Kwan Leep is the wine of purity, not the vinegar of hostility. Meditate upon this truth with us. Aaaaoooommm...
Listen, shrimp! All this fag talk is really starting to piss me off. Now, are you gonna show me some fancy moves, or am I gonna start wapin' the walls with you?
Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Ti Kwan Leep. Approach me that you might see.
All right! Finally some action!
Observe closely, class. Boot to the Head! (SH-ZOOMP!)
EG (drunkenly):
Owww! You booted me in the head!
You are lucky, Ed Gruberman. Few novices experience so much of Ti Kwan Leep so soon.
EG (quietly, to himself):
Ow, oh, my head!
Now we continue. Aaaaaoooommmm...
Hey! Hey, I wasn't ready! Come and get me now shorty, huh? Come on, are ya chicken?
Boot to the head! (SH-ZOOMP!)
EG (again, drunkenly):
Oww! Okay, now I'm ready, okay, now, come on, try it now.
Boot to the head! (SH-ZOOMP!)
Mind if I just lie down here for a minute?
Now class, we shall return to our...
It is wrong to tip the vessel of knowledge, student.
Many apologies, master. But I feel Ed Gruberman is not wholly wrong.
What do you mean?
I want to boot some head, too.
Have you learned nothing from the lesson of Ed Gruberman?
Yes, master. I have learned two things. First, that anger is a weapon only to one's opponent.
Very good.
And secondly, get in the first shot. Boot to the head. (SH-ZOOMP!)
You missed.
Uh, yeah. Well...
You too shall be honored to learn a lesson...
You don't have to, you know. I-I gotta be going...
Boot to the head! (SH-ZOOMP!)
Student2 :
(agonizing pain) Oyyy oy oyyyy.... Oh....
Can anyone tell us what lesson has been learned here?
Uh, yes, master. Not a single one of us could defeat you.
You gain wisdom, child.
So we'll hafta gang up on ya! Get 'im guys!
(Teacher throws many 'Boot to the head!s' and 'SH-ZOOMP!s'.
There are many people groaning in pain.)
And now class, let us rejoin the mind to the body and gaze into the heart of the candle in meditation.
Very good, class.
If you wish to listen to this skit, or to the accompanying song, you can find it at:
In honor of my old dojo I will be listening to the traditional silly things on the morning of my Shodan test.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Kaleidoscope: Sensei

Each one of us become a kaleidoscope picture of the influence, and effects that those we meet in life have on our developement. From the day we are born when our formation relies on the community around us to help us understand what is good, and what is bad, all the way until the present where we react, and perceive, we are influenced by all the people around us. Although a black belt had to put forth the time, energy, and effort individually to get to the place where they are at, since no one can do the work for you. Whether the black belt likes it or not, their formation was affected by the people they met along the path up the mountain.
I would say that the main person who affects your formation as a karate student is your Sensei. At this point in my path towards Shodan, I would like to remember fondly the various Sensei who have affected my path. When you consider how young I am in the arts, it is amazing how many Sensei have invested themselves into my training. I have been blessed to meet so many Sensei who have lived up to the same tremendously positive standards. They have shown patience when there was true reason for frustration. They have shown an ability to have a sense of humour without losing the seriousness that one needs for training. They have revealed to me that karate is about challenging, and uplifting the character of a person through the tools of developing the physical. They have shown me that respect is something that goes both ways. They have made each student feel unique, important, and capable of meeting the expectations of their development.
In this addition to my blog, I will list my Sensei by order that I met them. My deepest respect, and gratitude goes to each, and every one of them for the gift of their instructions to me. I cannot place any one of them above the other, the same way that I cannot say that I love one of my children more than the other six. Love, gratitude, and respect multiplies with the addition of more people in our lives. These Sensei have taught me so many things that I could not list everything, however, I will attempt to list a few of the lessons that I have learned, and that I will carry with me when I stand in front of everyone on my testing day.
My first Sensei: Sensei Crockford. In one word, he taught me “dedication”. He lives what he believes, and stands for what is right. There is no halfway effort, but to put forth your best in all you do. His influence changed the life of thousands of difficult high school teenagers, and encouraged them to seek forth for a better life. He brought forth strength out of weakness, sometimes the student responding only to the fact that Sensei believed in them. He won the hearts of his students.
My first Internet Sensei: Sensei Danelutti. In one word, he taught me “wisdom”. He opened all the doors, and windows of what is possible, what is probable, and what is fantasy in the world of martial arts. He met me on an internet forum when I was still freshly breaking in my new 9th kyu yellow belt, and he treated me like I was his equal. He started revealing to me bits and pieces of all the knowledge that he had accumulated through his 40 plus years of training in the arts. He has shared my joys, sorrows, challenges, frustrations, and humour throughout my WHOLE karate path, walking by my side in spirit.
Sensei Ingrilli: She taught me “Persistence”. Her guidance in coping with the struggles of being a mature student and fighting through the limitations of one’s body through various exercises and stretches was extremely important to my continuing in karate. She shared her experiences, and her courage with me. I learned about the various demands, and challenges of training in karate as a woman, as someone over 40, and as a mother.
My first Japanese Master: Sensei Yaguchi. He taught me “authority”. He showed me how authority does not need to be defended, or forced upon others.. it just exists of itself. Friendly, open, willing to share his time, energy, knowledge, and effort he makes each student feel comfortable, and capable. Quick to bring you to the realization that you have to make it “your karate”, to own, and take responsibility for your progress.. in a way to become your own authority... and yet, to respect the authority of those who have travelled the path ahead of you.
Sensei Carrasco: He taught me “Reality”. He showed me that being honest with oneself helps one to bring themselves to their real goal, which is to be happy. Encouraging us to be real with our training, and to apply ourselves fully. Revealing that our bodies are in more danger from our simple daily habits, and diet than from a random self defense encounter on the street. Looking for the Ultimate Truth in our lives so that we can realize how much we are worth, and to develop true humility.
Sensei Thomas, and Sensei Hinds: They taught me “Unity”. This Sensei husband, and wife team showed me how one can find balance in their training with their lives. They encourage, and expect “team work” wherein all members are as valued regardless of their skill level. No one is left aside, or behind in the goals of the group. Their efforts to build community among the karate ka of my city are so admirable. As hosts of events wherein bridges are built instead of walls, they have inspired me.
Sensei Porath: He taught me “Trust”. There is a story to explain this... It was my first seminar. I was a white belt, and I was lost as to how to do the combination. There were plenty of Sensei walking around helping, but I was too timid, and afraid to ask them for help. However, this one kind gentleman black belt placed himself next to me to train. I thought that it was because there was no room up there with the higher belts. I looked his way all the time, his movements were slower than everyone elses.. I could follow him. As I noticed that he was encourageing me to follow his guidance, I gained in confidence in this fellow student. His smiles encouraged me even more. At one point, I felt so much trust in him, that I sent him a look confusion at the terms being called out, and he answered me instantly. It wasn’t until one of his students called him “Sensei” that I realized that all along he had been helping me, and not training beside me. Over and over again, Sensei Porath has taught me about the meaning of trust.
Sensei Marr: He taught me “Understanding”. Through his teaching, all of a sudden, I understood what my body was doing... I could feel where my balance was going off, and where my hand should be. He showed me that it would take more time, and effort to gain the right movement, and that I would have to adapt to my limitations. He revealed more than one way to do the same thing, and offered me hope that I could manage to find an answer to any problem that faces me.
Sanbohnim Wee: He taught me “Flexibility”. Reaching across the miles from Australia, Sanbohnim Wee pried open my eyes to the similarities, and differences inherent in all martial arts forming within me a karate ka that embraces so much more than just what she experiences in her dojo. He challenged me to look beyond what I see, and to lift my eyes above the edge of the walls with which I’ve surrounded myself. He enticed the warrior within me to rise to the demands of my art.
Sensei Keeling: He taught me “Growth” He showed me that one is never finished learning. no matter how much they have already learnt. Each time I read his articles on the internet at I find something that I didn’t see before. That is the depth of his words.. they challenge you at each stage of your ability to grasp the concepts that he presents to you, and to run with them. I really treasure the gift that he has given the world wide karate community through his website.
I am grateful to the gifts that these Sensei have placed into my path. I will bring forth all of the various teachings that they gave to me when I stand in front of everyone on my belt test. May I bring my Sensei much pride, and satisfaction through my performance.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Kata.. the central motivation of my karate path
At this point of my walk, I ask myself "why do I study karate?" The only answer that I can find within me is that I enjoy training in karate. Kata was what entranced me in the first place, and powered me through the harshness of the lower belt levels. Even now, kata is a focal point to my training. I just ADORE doing kata. The physical expression of mathematical concepts. The way that time stands still and you become one with your kata. I put full effort in basics, and sparring, but the main reason is that I want to be able to understand, and perform my kata with more knowledge. I do not feel like the only karate ka with this attitude. I have read that many a modern master saw Sensei Gichin Funakoshi's students performing kata on the University grounds, and that this example is what motivated them to want to learn karate. In my opinion, there is room in the karate world for people like me who love kata more than anything.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Just a month away... tick, tick....
Just a month away.. oh yes, the time is ticking. You can almost cut the pressure in the dojo from the anticipation of the upcoming test. Like most human beings, I swing around in various moods. There are moments when I feel confidence, and security in my skills, and then there are moments when I feel like a little girl trying to live up to the expectations of the big kids. I usually end up reminding myself that 3 years ago I wouldn't have considered karate at all.. and now look at me facing a Dan test. COOL!!!!!!!!!!! Yes.. there is also the thrill seeking teenager in me that is looking forwards to the challenge. All rolled into one person who faces changing her belt color to black. Shucks.. no more color changes after passing Shodan.. it was rather enjoyable to show up to the dojo in a new color, and have the rest of the students comment on how nice your new stiff obi looked on you. I've got 3 black belts sitting on the shelf waiting to be placed around my waist.. Wow! 2 of them were given to me by my wonderful Internet Sensei friend Paul. The other one handed to me by my first Sensei, Sensei Walter. Which one will be the first one to go around my waist? They all are important to me. I might have to rely on the "Eenie, Meenie, Minee, Mo" method. Look at me.. already planning which dress to wear before the party starts. After my belt test, I'll be released from all the pre-test stress, and I'll just have to face the music of the happening. Hmmm.. I do expect that I will be hearing alot of positive music then... regardless of the outcome, because I'm going to be doing my best that day.. and there just isn't any more than that to give. I've been training extra these past 5 months for the test, and I've seen alot of improvement in my skills. Since I'll be doing my best.. I can't help but be proud of myself.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Kids do the darndest things
Kids do the most interesting things... I have to say! Helping Sensei with the beginner kids class, this little 6 year old boy stands before me as my perspective opponent for kumite exercises. We are all looking at Sensei who is giving instructions as to what is expected: Jodan tsuki, Age Uke.. Then Sensei states "The person in front of you will be your partner through this class.." I turn to face my little opponent to find him standing there with a wide friendly grin on his face, and his right index finger up to the knuckle in his nose casually searching out any offending boogers... EEEEEeeeeewwwww!! Oh gosh.. that was going to be his punching hand! Shudder! YUCK! I've never had to handle this situation before now.. so I kindly asked him to put his finger out of his nose, and to bow respectfully in response to mine. Controlling my inner "Mom".. I had to bring out the Sempai instead, and focus on karate. My husband was having his own issues with his little kumite partner. When Sensei made his statement that this was going to be our opponent. My husband's partner started shaking his head back and forth negatively, his eyes wide open in terror at the size and breath of my husband's shoulders. Meanwhile, my little guy just couldn't get the whole idea of a front stance.. his little forwards foot would turn, and slide directly under my advancing foot. I felt something soft under the ball of my foot, and I stopped my forward momentum. It didn't help that his eyes roamed all around the room as I was heading forwards at him so that I had to move his limbs into the proper position to help him get something in the semblence of a block (IF you squinted sideways, and pretended really really hard.) "Wow!" I thought to myself.. "He's just not mentally with the whole thing.. I've had a variety of partners up until now.. but this little guy is a first." The behaviour of this little boy made me wonder if he was doing everything improperly on purpose as a form of passive resistance to learning the skills. I have to say that if this little guy does well in our dojo, I'll be the first person to tip my hat to him in respect... because he sure is starting his first days on the wrong left foot, or should I say on both feet.
Friday, October 21, 2005
The wisdom of Sensei Victor Smithus
"Over the years while I came to adopt a 3 dan structure, it's more in my mind than my students. In the dojo nobody really ever refers to rank, ever. They frequently suggest doing away with all of it because where you train everyone knows who they are, who you are, etc. and it has no meaning. But what I've observed is first the leveling process of the sho-dan, the first two years adapting to a different level of awareness, working to begin harnessing the skills they've started to acquire. After that it's not an issue of rank or knowledge, it's more an issue about self definition. I find most long term practitioners are really most interested in their studies for their own purposes, say physical training or personal self defense skills. I refer to that as the ni-dan. A smaller set of long term practitioners are more interested in more than just their own needs. They'll work to remember more, push themselves further, etc. solely to understand a greater portion of their art's depth. I refere to that as the san-dan. Some out of that latter category (but not everyone) choose to pick up the responsibility to bind their knowledge to a new generation and in time become instructors. I tried to share much, much more. But their interests were never in what my interest lie. Which is ok, they are doing what was their path. The fallacy too many hold is everyone must do everything. You can't do everything, and every choice you make means other valuable things aren't being addressed. My course of study here is aggressive and IMO rather extensive. That I'm driven to try and know and do more doesn't mean others must do so. And having had to face the reality of human focus, you learn this is the way after all. If one just holds short term goals, you can push and drive a student to any short term level they choose, providing its within their basic capability with training. But to do it year after year after year after year, requires a pacing that is much longer, and a shift in focus. When you've worked with someone non-stop on one kata over 20 years, you see how human perception and ablity can be crafted in many ways. The arts are a totally infinite experience. Anytime you find someone saying this is right and that is wrong, I can guarantee you their vision is too narrow. So you peck a way a little. You sift through students to find those who are willing to study. You sift through them to find those who are willing to go further. You sift through them to find an instructor, and perhaps if you sift long enough, work hard enough, you find just yourself at the end. Ones skill and knowledge grows. One's body deterioates in time for many reasons. In the end we are nothing, not even wind. Subsequent generations will hardly know where our feet have trod. And perhaps we can leave our empty hand, our infinite hand in anothers." Published with Sensei Victor Smithus permission Oct 21. 2005 Thank you Sensei, I cherish this investment into my progress.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
The wonderful feeling of support from fellow students
I officially have to state that one of the most difficult things that I've had to face these past days is the constant reminders from various people that my Shodan test is less than 5 weeks away. Sure.. I'm anxiously awaiting the culmination of all of my efforts into that short moment of performing in front of the Master. I'm trying to keep my nervousness down by focusing on working on my training, and not to count the days until the BIG day. Oh it's nice to see that they care.. fellow students saying "Oh, your test is coming up soon.. you'll do fine.." Other students asking "What date is that test again?" These moments remind me of when I was pregnant, and I would receive phone calls from well-meaning people asking me about my due date.. and if I have had the child already. It just seemed that as soon as I finally let go of the stress that I felt about the upcoming event, someone would remind me that this event was coming up. Ah.. but isn't that just part of the whole scene? A build up of anticipation, nervousness, and pressure. I overheard some football players talking about how they feel awfully stressed during pre-game moments. I smile with the knowledge that there are so many people who care whether or not I will pass my Shodan test. It is obvious that I will not be alone on the dojo floor when I face that BIG day.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Looking "cool"
My daughter had her friend over for lunch yesterday. Noticing my gi, the friend queried about it. "Mom!" my daughter called "show my friend some moves.." I instantly thought.. How do you quickly "show some moves" to impress a young teenager? I'm not attached to any wires to do those fancy gymnastic spinning 360 degree back kicks like on the movies? I decided to ask my daughter to be part of the "showing cool moves" knowing that she isn't fond of being my partner in the first place.. and thinking that this was my way out of putting on an imprompt demonstration. But no... My daughter was all up for being placed into the event. I asked her to grab my wrist, and then proceeded to do self-defense with a nice loud kiai to accent it. This had the desired effect on the friend, who later on told my daughter that she thought that I was a really awesome Mom. Is this going to be a trend for the future? If so, I'd better think up of some "cool" looking karate moves for these types of occasions, because no matter how difficult some of the karate techniques are.. they don't all match in the "coolness" of appearance department. I wonder how often a black belt is asked to "show something"?
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Why do people do this to themselves?
Why do people do that? After reading some martial art postings on a forum, I have had to ask myself: Why do people try to compare themselves with others? This question has been rolling around in my brain since the first day that I started training in karate. What are the other people looking for? Are they thinking "Wow.. my punch is faster than hers?" BUT how do they know whether the other one is doing full speed or not. The other person could be holding back that day because they had injured their wrist earlier. How do they know whether or not their technique is proper as they throw this "fast" punch. It astounds me that people try to compare themselves with others. The fruits of this comparisson are only lies. One could be led to believe that they are extremely good at kata, but they may be feeling the "Big fish in a small pond" syndrome wherein all the other students are at a lower level than them. Once they get to train with a group of higher belts all of a sudden these people would feel like they are imbeciles, and incompetent at kata. Then we are walking on a strange path that makes us surge to the tops of mountains of negative self- pride feeling superior to others, and then fall down the cliffs of the reverse action which is putting oneself down with anger, and derision. Not good to our goal of training in karate, and not healthy for our mental selves. The only comparison we should be making is to look at ourselves and ask "Have I improved on those things that I'm working on?" If the answer is 'no" then we need to make a plan to improve exactly those things. If the answer is "yes" then we can make a plan to use this upward effort to improve something else. The fruits of this kind of comparison would be to gain in positive self-pride wherein we feel that we have accomplished something good in our lives.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Overtraining.. I didn't think that I would do that to myself.. but in my eagerness to excel, I've managed to push my body to the point where it started to weaken. It's funny that the very thing that strengthens you can end up weakening you if you do it too much. All of a sudden my body struggled to do what it was able to sail through just a few days ago. I decided to take 2 full days of rest for my body to recuperate. Rest? Well.. I guess one could call it resting. I still had all of the household duties to do. This household doesn't stop creating laundry, floors to mop, dishes to wash.. etc. But I rested from the extra weight-lifting, and karate training that I was doing at home. If you asked me I'd trade the housework for karate training anyday! So Today! Refreshed, renewed, and ready to start asking my body to rise up to the demands of extra training before my test. I've been using my dining room table to teach my leg muscles to keep the knee up during my roundhouse kicks. One of the kids caught me working out, and with the most dumbfounded look she asked timidly "Mom? Are you supposed to clean the table with your leg like that?" HA ha ha ha ha My poor kids are going to need some serious therapy when they grow up!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Teaching kids.. number 1
Teaching kids.. Ah.. what a challenge! Helping my sempai with the new 6-8 year old white belts was quite an experience. It's not the first time that I've helped little karate-ka learn... but usually I'm the one teaching them, so I can stop, adjust the rhythm, even back-pedal and review things that I notice that the kids are struggling with. However, this time, I was just in the background helping the sempai. This one little girl had injured her foot the day before when she was playing at school. So, she couldn't do any of the moving exercises. I could see that she was feeling left out. I searched my mind for some way to keep her included in the class without having her actually move. I pulled her to the side, and stood in kiba dachi in front of her telling her to punch Jodan at me for each count instead of moving forwards, and I would block. It was a REALLY low kiba dachi.. the tips of my belt were touching the floor. I could feel my legs shaking with the amount of time that I stayed down there. However, the smile of delight, and of accomplishment that I received from her at the end of that exercise was worth all of the discomfort I felt in my legs It is a wonder to me how children respond to training. I noticed how as soon as you present the information in a "teaching" attitude.. their eyes seem to glaze over. What is this phenomena? Why does the light of curiousity, and energy dissipate from their eyes when an adult starts "teaching"? I've managed to recapture their interest, and focus.. but I've had to use some rather unorthodox methods that have had more than one Sensei turn and look at me with a questioning look. It astounds me that the kids tune out considering how many children are awestruck by the whole culture of Sensei/student which is being sold by such entertainment as "Shaolin Showdown", "Teen titans", "Samurai Jack", "Naruto", "Pokemon", "Yu Gi Oh" etc. etc. I've caught the children playing a pretend Ninja type of game.. wherein they talk about training hard, and present various goals to each other.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Dedication, and effort paves the way.
Woot! Good day for this little lady! For the first time in all of my efforts of stretching, I lowered my head down to my knee while in the splits, and my forehead TOUCHED my knee. Now.. that might not be a big thing for many people.. but for me, it's a milestone! When your warm up and stretching starts off with such a wonderful surprise, you just KNOW that the rest of the class is gonna go great. It did too.. :-D Although, I'm having a dilly of a time adjusting my targeting. I've only lately realized that punching with the first two knuckles involved not bending the wrist... oh oh.. I haven't been keeping my wrist straight? Oh geez! Gotta fix that! So.. now I'm keeping it straight.. but what is happening is my targeting got affected and I'm punching lower than I should. It takes a strong mental effort to almost punch above what I'm aiming at to be able to keep my wrist straight, and end up where I want to be in the first place. When the pressure is on, and I'm thinking of speed, or my feet, or something else.. my fist will pop down below target again. YEESH! So many aspects to try to pull together at once. Feet, ankles, knees, hips, weight distribution, tension, relaxation, kiai, kime, target, head, eyes, breathing.. but it doesn't end there.. because I'm not supposed to be thinking about it.. It's supposed to happen automatically with a calm mind. AARGH! But then.. I touched my forehead to my knee today.. and I wasn't able to do that since I started karate. WOOT! I can have the hope that one day I'll get all the rest of the expectations happening smooth, and easy. Dedication, and effort will get me there.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
What does black belt mean to me?

What does black belt mean to me? I'm sure that the answer to this question will evolve in time to be totally different. When I was asked what kind of mother I would be when I was expecting my first child, I had SUCH a set of ideas of what I would do, and how I'd do it. Today, I look back and I think" Well, I've lived up to my expectations, made them realistic, and surpassed them." I feel that it's going to be very similar with the whole idea of becoming a black belt. When I was a white belt, only a few weeks old, I saw black as THE goal... the ultimate place to be. I saw the black belts walking by with their heads held up.. Like lead dogs in a dog sled team. I had a healthy admiration for their abilities. I saw them as near "perfect", and I dreamed of being so perfect in my art that I would have no fear, or mistakes, or awkwardness anymore. Then the "analyzer" part of me kicked in, and I watched the reality play out before me. Black belts are even more aware of their mistakes, and weaknesses than a white belt. They know what they want from themselves, and they have a better knowledge of what karate is supposed to be. White belts throw out whatever arm movement, and assume that they did this or that quite well. Meanwhile, black belts are aware of this or that little nuance that was missing. They can even feel when a technique is missing something, and when it was done properly. So then I had to reassess what "being a black belt" means.. because it definitely does not mean being at a point of total knowledge. In fact, learning how to do the basics properly is a life-long education. I remember my original first Shotokan Sensei telling us that sometimes a person will pass the Shodan test, not because of how much they know in technique but more because they have the right desire/attitude within them. If such is the case, then a black belt is a symbol of someone who has chosen to walk the WAY of karate. Therefore, receiving a black belt is the manner of a Sensei telling the person that they recognize in this person the attitudes, and inner desires which reveal that they have started travelling on the same path that the Sensei has been walking for so many years. What does black belt mean to me? It means that I physically, verbally, and mentally express the attitudes of seeking, learning, being open to correction, humility, patience, perserverence, courage, obedience, justice, respect, courtesy, faithfulness, self-control, aggressiveness tempered with peacefulness, self-respect, respect for others, greatefulness, honesty, responsibility, willingness to teach, and share knowledge, and calmness when needed not only when one does karate in the dojo, but also when they live outside of the dojo. Attaining a black belt means that my Sensei sees that kind of quality in me. I've met alot of black belts who do not live up to what I have seen in my First Shotokan Sensei, and what I believe a black belt represents.. but that is not important.. because the meaning of black belt has become what it is for me.. and THAT is what counts.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
The potential black belt
I just realized that standing in front of a panel of black belts and testing for Shodan is NOT the hardest step of my karate life. No.. the most difficult time was when I first decided to start training in karate. THAT was the greatest hurdle because I was starting from nothing, and jumping into the unknown. When I stand in front of the Master, I will be revealing that which is already in me. So, I can only reveal that which I have gathered.. If I do not have the skills necessary to become a shodan, then it is not a shame to be told to go and get them. If I do have the skills, then it is not a problem to use them. Either way, all will be revealed, and the truth of who I am as a martial artist will surface. I have been told that a Black belt has a certain mind set, and that you can spot one even from the white belt stage. I remember Sensei Walter asking me to lead the class in warm up, when I was as low as the orange belt level (8th kyu) Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him with one of those happy "I know something you don't know" looks in my direction. He just keep looking at me with that.. I was filled with puzzlement at the time.. but now I wonder if he saw the potential black belt in me. Out of all of the former students of my first karate club, my husband and I are the only ones still training.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Looking at the present
What a wonderful feeling I got yesterday! After class I was practicing my kicks. I was doing the front, side, back kicks while balancing on one leg. Those kicks have been a thorn in my side for months now, but yesterday I could feel that my balance had improved. I had less problems keeping together... and doing the exercise. I have been doing 30 kicks on each side after class so far.. I think that I will double that for the next 6 weeks now that my muscles have strengthened.
Friday, September 30, 2005
To start by looking back to the past
It's pretty backward to start a blog when you are already a 1st kyu brown belt, and looking down the barrel of the limited time before you test for Shodan. I've had such a rollercoaster ride as I trained from white belt, and up the kyu colors. My first introduction to karate was sitting at the back of the gym pretending to read a novel, but actually watching my little daughter take lessons from the Sensei. I studied him carefully, anxious that sooner or later he'd get all violent on the students because that is what martial arts is all about.. or at least I thought so at the time. However, week after week, I saw so much humility, so much control, so much authenticity in that Sensei. He won my trust with my children. I felt free to relax, and allow him to teach more than one of my 7 kids. During one class, my daughter was being introduced to the kata Heian Shodan. I was entranced by the whole aspect of mathematical movement being expressed in physical form. There was logic, angles, patterns within the movement. I couldn't take my eyes off of the sempai teaching my daughter how to do the kata each time he demonstrated. I went home that day with a deep desire to be able to do kata like that, and I sighed when I expressed that wish to a friend of mine. I said wistfully " But I can't do that.." My friend asked me "Why? What's stopping you?" I stopped, and thought about it, and I realized that it was me. I was stopping me. I felt so overweight, out of shape, uncoordinated, and unworthy of even wasting the Sensei's time to actually ask him if he'd teach me. I pulled up my courage, gave myself permission to at least TRY to learn karate, and decided to ask the Sensei at the next class. I approached him so timidly.. not even able to look him in the eyes, and I asked meekly "Is it possible to learn karate without learning how to fight?" I heard a little sound come from him, and I looked quickly to see his reaction. His eyes became rather large at that question, and then he became quite introspective. He smiled gently and said "Sure.. sure.. you do not have to do any free stye fighting until the higher levels like the brown belts.. why?" I explained my attraction to kata, and that I would be grateful if I could learn that aspect of karate.. if it's o.k. I will always remember his answer to me "White belts come and go.. by all means, go join the line up.. Just listen to your body, and feel free to stop if you need to." I needed that kind of freedom to succeed, or to be able to quit and walk away if need be. His answer was exactly the kind of response that opened the door of possibility to me. After thanking him, I walked into the dojo totally terrified. I have always been the sickly little child who was horrible at sports. I was the child that no one wanted on their team. I was the child that was picked on by every bully. I so hated any physical activity that I vowed to myself that once I was out of the mandatory school phys. ed. I wouldn't bother with any sports... and here I was facing a whole karate class in a room filled with people who knew what they were doing. I sat there hugging my knees, and almost ready to run out of the gym, but I knew that I had to respect the gift that the Sensei had given to me by at least surviving this first class. Then a young teenaged green belt came up to me with a wide smirk.. He said "Oh.. so YOU are going to join class today.. I'm sure you are going to Wow us with all of your experience.." He chuckled at me derisively. It was just like when I was a little girl again.. All the feelings surged over me of being embarrassed to be "me", and not to have any acceptance... BUT then I remembered all of my 40 years of life's experiences: Giving birth to 7 children, raising an autistic son, homeschooling the kids because of his needs.. and a solid core of courage came out of me. I said to this green belt "I may not be much to look at today, or tomorrow, but I will do my best, and I will improve, and I will WOW you." I did as I said, I went to the first class... and barely crawled out of Seiza. I didn't give up, I didn't run away, I did my best. By that evening everything hurt.. oh gosh.. I didn't know what shin splints were at the time, but I soon learned as I felt the pain. I saw the walls, and ceiling spin with the stars that twirled around my head. My damaged right hip sent shooting pains through me for each side kick, or stance. My severe skin condition ( Psoriasis which covered over 80 percent of my body) broke open and I bled little spots onto my clothing. My knees swelled up. I couldn't step up the 3 steps to enter my home. I asked myself over and over again if learning how to be able to perform kata was worth this.. and the answer was always "yes". Over time, I improved in conditioning. I could keep up with the class, and sometimes I could outlast them because I knew what pain is, and how to focus through it. I lost 22 pounds. I became more and more confident in my skills up to this moment that I am facing the step towards Black belt. Wow! Me? Phenomenal. If you would have asked me 5 years ago what my goal would be for the year 2005, I would have laughed at the suggestion that I would be looking forwards to testing for Shodan. So much has changed in my life! I treasure my first Sensei. He gave me such a strong foundation. He gave me such quality instruction. He respected me, and helped me to become a strong karate-ka who can face kumite with calmness. This is a far cry from the little mouse he first worked with who squeaked, and hide behind her hands when someone sent a Jodan punch in her direction. Thank you Sensei Walter. I always keep you in my prayers that you will be blessed in abundance for the gifts that you have given to me. You brought out the champion in me. I didn't see it, I didn't even know that it was there.. but you gave me the opportunity to show forth the best in me.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
A new beginning
I had started this blog at a different website, but my friends did not have access to it because they weren't members of that group. Therefore I'm moving the postings over here for their convenience.
Wow... A Shotokan karate Blog to type memories, impressions, and other silly things. GREAT! I'll start off by inviting you the reader to walk the path with me as I prepare for my upcoming Shotokan Shodan test. I'll be posting my challenges, and little victories as I continue on the path of karate do.
Wow... A Shotokan karate Blog to type memories, impressions, and other silly things. GREAT! I'll start off by inviting you the reader to walk the path with me as I prepare for my upcoming Shotokan Shodan test. I'll be posting my challenges, and little victories as I continue on the path of karate do.
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